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Okay so a lot of court stuff is gonna happen in this chapter and honestly I don't know a lot about how it goes exactly. What I write is the experience I basically get from watching a lot of law and order and other stuff on Ion television because well, it's positively entertaining. If I get anything wrong PLEASE bare with me.

Oh and I changed Luke's uncle's name from Mason to Jordan, just to clear that up.

Alrighty, this is going to be a very long chapter so get comfortable children. Now once upon a time...........

It always seems impossible until it's done.
-Nelson Mandela.


I did not want to go to school today, already knowing what rumors were going to be spreading around. I had to face everyone, and not only that, the trial was right after school. The lawyer testifying against us is known for winning many cases similar to mine and there's a huge chance he'll win this one. Luke's uncle Jordan is flying on his way over here, at least that's what Luke told me through text this morning; and his parents will be there too, for support. It was quiet during breakfast this morning since all of us are on edge for the trial. I barely touched my food, but before I left Sarah literally shoved grapes into my mouth, commenting on how I had to eat something or else I'd faint in the middle of the court room. Count on Sarah to choke you with grapes while you're already struggling to breathe with a lump in your throat.

So now here I am, in my car parked at the school parking lot. I lost count of how many times I've found myself sitting in my car; afraid to go inside the building and facing all those people. A knock on my window made me jump. I placed my hand on my chest and glared at Luke through the glass. "Luke you scared the heck out of me!" I exclaimed. He smirked and nodded hides head. "I noticed. Are you planning on coming out anytime soon, or are we playing some game of Tom and Jerry?" I sighed and unbuckled my seatbelt, getting out of the car and locking it after. Luke pulled me into a much needed hug and I returned it, closing my eyes. "How are you not freaked out right now?" I asked. His body language showed no sign of nervousness, making me question how he does it. I felt his chin rest on my head as he spoke. "Today is a scary day, but a smile can help us get through it." I laughed as pulled away a little so I could look at him.

   "I peg you as one of these people who would get a tattoo sleeve of random quotes." Luke laughed sarcastically before pointing out the elephant of the room. "You ready to go inside?" I groaned and shook my head. "No."

   "Well then thank God you have me." Luke grabbed my hand with a cheeky smirk. Leading us through the parking lot. "I should've dyed my hair black and changed my name so no one would recognize me." I said. Luke glanced at me while quirking his eyebrow. "Your filthy cousin goes to this school, Mags. I'm pretty sure she would recognize you." I frowned, realizing his point. 

  "Touché, and don't call her filthy. She has a name." Luke chuckled as we reached the doors. "According to Miranda she has plenty." Before I got to reply to that, Luke opened the doors and we stepped inside. People were already staring, as if they knew when we were going to come in. I tightened my grip on Luke's hand as we kept walking through the halls. "Their opinions don't define you Maggie. Ignore the staring." I nodded and after what seemed like an eternity of walking, we reached the hall where my locker was. I was relieved but when I caught sight of who was standing by it, my feet stuck to the ground as if they were part of it. "Luke, let's go to your locker first." I said, pulling him back. He furrowed his brows and placed a hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong?" He turned to where my eyesight was focused on and readjusted his hand around mine. "I'll be there with you. If she crosses the line I'll back you up. What do you say?" I reluctantly nodded my head. It's better to face her now than throughout the day while Luke is in a different class.

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