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A mistake repeated more than once is a decision.
   - Paulo Coelho.


   "We find the defendant, guilty." I opened my eyes and shot my head up, a huge weight lifting off my shoulders. Luke turned to me and grinned. "We did it baby. We won." I let out a relieved laugh as the room filled with whispers. Judge Hansen hit her gavel twice to silence the room, speaking with the lady who made the announcement quietly. As they separated Judge Hansen cleared her throat.

   "Mr. Tarrant. You will be sent to jail with a lifetime sentence, no parole, for the rape of  ten victims and the cause of two of those victim's death. Your verdict has been given, and now this trial is officially dismissed. Good day, everyone." She hit her gavel once more before standing up and leaving. The security guards handcuffed Walter Tarrant, taking him away. We all stood up and I instantly hugged Luke, tears already spilling out of my eyes. "Luke we actually won." I said, stating the obvious.

   He laughed and pulled away just a bit to look at me. "I told you we would. And not just that instead of ten years he got a lifetime sentence with no parole. Now you'll definitely be safe." I nodded just as Sarah pulled me from him to give me a hug.

  "Maggie I'm so happy right now." She stated. I laughed and hugged her tightly. "You've been the best sister ever Sarah. God I love you so much." She pulled away and wiped away her own tears. "I love you too. Now go get your baby. Mom and dad are only going to let you hold him just this once, but you have to cradle him, not balance him on your hip." I nodded my head and walked to mom and dad, giving the, a bright smile.

  "Oh my baby." Mom pulled me into a hug, rubbing my back. "I'm so proud of you for going up there honey. You did good." Dad did the same, telling me he loved me and me telling him I loved him too. Unfortunately Graham was asleep in his stroller, so I couldn't grab him right now, but I opted for Luke's parents, giving them each a hug. "Congratulations Maggie, we're really happy for you sweetheart." Hannah said.

    "Your family is invited for dinner tonight to celebrate. We can all hang out for the first time while we're at it and get to know each other." Thomas chimed in. I smiled and nodded my head. "We would love that, thank you for being here. I really appreciate it." I told them. Finally, I went up to Jordan. "Jordan, thank you so much. If it weren't for you we probably wouldn't have won this trial." I said. He smiled and gave me a side hug.
"Hey, don't worry about it kiddo, I'm glad everything turned out the way it should've. Besides, this was my way of showing I'm grateful for you dating my nephew. I actually testified against Thalia's dad on her behalf when she died, knowing he was the main reason she took her life. Unfortunately, we didn't win the case then and it really put Luke down. You've cheered him up though somehow and I respect for that." I smiled and looked at Luke as he talked with Miranda and Sarah. "He's done the same for me. I have no idea what I did to deserve someone as great as him." Jordan shrugged and grabbed his suitcase.

"That's the thing main thing people wonder when they're in love. Now, let's go celebrate. I'm hungry." I laughed as we walked of to join the group, a smile lingering on my lips as Jordan's words made me realize something. I'm in love with Lucas Banfield.

As Luke and I drove to his house, following his parents and mine on the way, he held my hand in one of his.

"Hey, so my grandma bought me a plane ticket to go visit her, one extra to bring someone. How would you like to go to England for a whole week of Spring break?" He asked. I smiled and turned my attention from the window to him.

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