Chapter 2

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*One week later*

Crystal's Pov

Beep, beep, be-

I hop in the shower thinking damn. Waking up to this annoying beeping sound that sets off at 6 in the morning. 6 IN THE MORNING!! I personally think that's too early.

Like god. Give me a break. I need sleep people. Everyone needs sleep. Can't believe I have to go today. Everyone at my school will probably give me a hard time for not being there for a week. I'm still in bandages but they will come off tonight before I go to the gym.

Getting out I go to my closet and pick out sweatpants with a sweatshirt and my black converse. I love my converse. They are the only pair of shoes that I will wear besides my combat boots and sneakers when I'm out for the night. Maybe even heels when I'm going clubbing. That's right. I said clubbing. Even though I'm underage I go any way.

Well anyway, back to reality, I go down and grab an apple while heading to the door and throwing my apple core out at the curb and head off to the hell hole I call school. The walk to school is a 10 minute walk and a 4 minute drive. I could take my car/motorcycle but I don't want to blow my cover. My car is a sleek black sports car and my motorcycle is a Dual Sports, black too. Perfect for my races and the color of the midnight sky but not for going to school when I'm a nerd. Badass things don't mix well with nerds things. Not at all.

At school I can see people whispering and looking at me, but they turn around once I catch them looking at me. Then the Idiot comes up with dumber 1 and dumber 2. "Hey nerd. Why weren't you at school all week?" I don't answer or look at Andrew, "Didn't want to see us I see." Thats it.

"I didnt really w-w-want to s-see you but I-I w-was also i-in the ho-hospital." I stuttered out an answer. With that said I walk into the school building. Get my things, and walk to my first class, math. Not my favorite subject but yea. I'm pretty good at it.

My class has Mrs. Whore. Lovely name isnt it? I can always make a joke about it because come on. Her name is Mrs. Whore. WHORE! Like seriously. Who's last name is that. If I could, I would be calling out the jokes in class but since I'm a nerd, I can't.

Time for the day in hell.

*Time Skip*

It's lunch time now and I CAN'T wait. Nothing good comes out of it, I mean, I love my food soooo much but the people in there ruin it all together. So, I do the next best thing. Going outside under my tree that I claimed, I see something that gets my blood boiling. Andrew and his crew are SITTING under MY tree!"Umm, what are you guys sitting here for?" I questioned.

"Didn't see anyone's name on it." Ashton, a friend of Andrews, said. "You come out here often nerd?"

"Yes actually. Also, my name, rather my initials, are on the bark of the tree." I stated matter-of-factly.

"Sorry, but you could join us if you want." Andrew answered slowly.

"Fine but I'm going to the other side of the trunk so I don't bother you, or you bother me." I walk around and sit. I pull out my sketchbook and start on my picture of my older brother. I was interrupted by my phone going off.

Checking the ID, I see that Drew texted me.

(D=Drew, C= Crystal)

D- Hey Crystal you have a code black tonight at 10.

C- Only a code black?

D- Ya. Just wanted to tell you before I teach my class.

C- Bye

D- Bye!

If you didnt know, code black stands for a fight that I have to go to. Drew also is a teacher in the gym. This you probably know, but he teaches boxing. My phone got ripped out of my hands. "Who's this Drew guy and what is a code black?" Andrew. Should have known. "Something with her family most likely." I stiffened. "I dont know how they could love something like you." Andrew sneers in my face.

I jump up grab my phone and kick him in his shin knocking him down. I run inside with tears now streaming down my face. No one knows about what happened with my parents and the past abuse, but I can tell you no one will ever talk about my family without me getting emotional.

Running out of the school I go to the gym where I can be myself.

Pushing the door open I see all the guys so I wave and head to the locker room to change clothes. Wearing my sports bra with boxing shorts, I go out and head to the punching bags.

One punch for the abuse...

Another for my mom...

My father...

My brother leaving...

Crying in front of my bullies...

For being weak...

I fall to the ground crying. Feeling a pair of arms wrapping themselves around me and lifting me up onto their lap and cradling me to their chest.

"Shhh. Why are you crying?" It's Penton. He's like an older over-protective brother to me. Well, all the guys are, and they help when I'm feeling down.

"They were talking about my family and how they didn't love or want something like me." I answered, my words not forming right due to the tears streaming down my face.

"Well don't listen to anything they say." Penton reasoned. "You are perfect and your parents didn't see that and your brother is a complete prick for leaving a little girl alone with abusive parents." I started smiling.

"You always cheer me up, don't you?" I questioned.

"Oh little sis, I make everyone happy with my charming looks." Penton started doing these weird poses that I have no idea what they are for.

"What are you doing?"

"Showing you that I can be handsome." He just made my whole day better.

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