Chapter 3

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Crystal's POV

Thinking back I don't remember my brother that much, but I can't let this get into my head anymore. He left and isn't coming back for his little sister. Me. I don't think he even knows that our mother is dead. Wasn't even at the funeral. Like come on, at least you can go see your dead mom that you left. Today is the anniversary my mother's death. One year ago did she die in the car crash that I was also in. I was lucky. Only got a couple broken bones and a concussion.

She died on impact.

My brother also left on the same day as the crash, 6 years ago, all the way across the country. From Carolina to New York.

He is at fault.

He is the reason why I'm like this.

He is the reason I am abused.

A punch to my face brings me back into reality. Right now I am at my fight, and let me tell you, I did not expect this person to be here. Andrew. My bully. Is fighting me. Crystal and Death Angel combined.

Damn. I love being the real me and not some nerd.

Taking my arm back and knocking him on the head. He looks mad, oh well. Swinging my leg up to do a roundhouse kick to the head he grabbed it and twisted. I rolled and got back up. Now I'm mad. I tackled him to the ground and started repeatedly punching him. Andrew must've been surprised because his face looked shocked and confused. Taking one last hit to his head he gets knocked unconscious.


"Get him out of here." I said to Marcus, the health person. I made eye contact with his group of friends, and glared. Looking at a certain person, Jackson, had a hint of recognition in his eyes. I looked away quickly.

Heading towards the girls locker room I look back and see Jackson still looking at me. Running to the room now, I go in and slam the door closed. Pulling off the wrap around my hands someone pushes me into the wall and held my hands above my head. "How did a nerd such as yourself do that to someone as strong as Andrew?!" I didn't see who was holding me against the wall because my face was down, but I had a pretty good idea who it was.

"It's because I have been doing this since I was 13 years old." I looked up into his eyes and he looked shocked.


'Why? Why?! Here's a why! I am abused by my parents until my mother passed away last year and that left my father to abuse me! My brother left me when we where twelve, and you and your friends bullied me!' I wish I said. Instead I said, "My life isn't all rainbows and should know. You're the ones beating me up everyday."

"Do your parents know about this. Even your brother. I know you have one, but I haven't seen him around in years." I stiffened at this. He must've noticed for he asked the one question that I hate answering.

"Do you even have any parents anymore?" I just continued staring at him with teary eyes.

"No, only my father, and he doesn't seem to care much." Shit. Why did I have to say that? To my bully. One of the many people who tortured me along with my parents.

"Damn, that means your brother actually left you. If that rumor was true then everything else might have been true." I let a traitor tear roll down my face. "Well whatever, I don't care you can live your life however you want but that does not mean we will stop bullying you." Jackson answers. Jackass.

"Leave." I say sternly. He starts walking away so I start to strip of my jacket that I had on so now you can see the scars that line all over my back. My father whipped me, and let me tell you it's not pleasant.

I hear a gasp so I turn around and see a very shocked Jackson. He saw them and I could tell that he was going to say something but I got to it before him. "I told you to leave." I growled out.

"I will get answers about what happened to your back." With that Jackson finally walked out of the room to go to his friends.

*time skip to morning*

Slamming my alarm clock like every other morning, I get out of bed and do my usual routine and wear my usual clothes. I have to skip breakfast today because I slept in late so if I don't leave now I would be late to my first period.

*At school*

I'm lucky that my bullies aren't here right now because they're in class. My first class today is science with Mrs. Collen. She is nicer than all the other teachers and is very helpful when I need somewhere to eat, cause I sure as hell ain't eating in the cafeteria.

"Hello Crystal, how is your day so far?" Mrs. Colleen asked.

"It's great so far. Thanks for asking, I need this conversation." I answered.

"I know. Just, at least try to talk to some people, sweetie. You don't have anyone in your life anymore, and you can't keep this up, only talking to me and Mrs. Carey." So Mrs. Carey is the nurse for my school. I go to her so many times that we became close after spending hours together. I count her as my second mother, and the only mother that I care about. She was there for me when I came to school with cuts and whip marks all over my body from my parents. I even have a key to her house, and her family is super nice. Better than mine ever was, even in the old days when my brother was around.

"Thanks again Mrs. Colleen, I will try for you and Mrs. Carey." I smiled, waved and sat down in my seat for the beginning of the class.

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