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Amy knew she was dreaming, she just couldn't seem to wake up. She was in the middle of a beautiful meadow filled with lush grass, beautiful flowers, butterflies and birds.  



"Amy, you must listen to me." The voice was definitely female, and very soft and gentle.

"Who are you?" She asked. 

"I am here to help you. There are things that Ulfr may not think to tell you. After mating and biting you, he shared his DNA, creating  a wolf of your own within you." Amy frowned. Did she mind being changed? She didn't think so, but would have like to have been asked. 

"Amy, you must hear what I have to say. The change will take place very soon. It will be very painful and Ulfr will be able to only watch, as you go through the change. Soon, Amy, your body will burn with a fever and the pain will start. It will come at first as a prickly feeling, leading to an itchy feeling.  That will be followed by a burning sensation in the pit of your stomach and begin to radiate outward to the rest of your body. I'm so very sorry, dear one. You will be in a lot of pain for a number of hours. However, the good thing is that on the other side of your transformation, you will be able to concieve the child you have always wanted."

"Who are you and how do you know all of this?" Amy frowned as she watched the woman she was in the meadown with. While waiting for her answer, Amy looked this mysterious woman over. She was fairly tall, willowy built with long limbs, beautiful long white-blonde hair. But her eyes were the most startling thing about her. They were an incredible deep purple with a bright yellow band around the pupil. 

"I know all of this, because, Amy, I have watched over you for your entire life. I matched you and Ulfr together to help you overcome your fear of the world and he to overcome his complaceny about his life. As for who I am, I am the moon goddess. Ever thing you have gone through in your life has been to prepare you for your mate. Now, you must wake up. The effects of the change are beginning to manifest in your body and you will need your mate to make it through. Remember Amy, the Wolf is a loner until it finds its mate. Then she becomes his entire world. Now, my child, awake."

Amy rolled over in her bed remembering the previous night and blushed. Her eyes felt dry and itchy, her body achy. Great, she had managed to get the flu. Then she remembered her dream. The change! It was taken place. Just then, she heard a soft gentle knock on her bedroom door.

"Come in."

"Oh miss, the Alpha sent me to check on you. " The young lady stopped in her tracks and took a deep whiff of the air in the room and her eyes grew quite large. "I'll be right back with the Alpha, ma'am." Without waiting for a response, she ran from the room.

Ufr was in his office when an abrupt hard knock on his office down got his attention. "Enter."

He was somewhat surprised when the servant he had assigned to his mate entered, looking flushed and breathing quickly. Realizing that something was wrong, he jumped to his feet. 

"What is it? Is something wrong with your female Alpha?" He barked the question, terrified.

The young woman quickly lowered her eyes in submission, "Sir, the mitress is ill. She smells wrong. I came immediately to get you."

Ulfr thanked her and ran from the room to the suite that was his and Amy's. When he got there what he found terrified him. Amy lay on their bed curled up in a fetal position in an attempt to stop the pain. She was moaning and alternating crying. Realizing that she was not alone, she cried out to him. As he rushed to the side of the bed, more tears ran down her face.

"Ulfr! I hurt! The goddess said it would hurt, but I didn't think it would hurt like this. Hold me, please." The sight of his mate in so much pain, wrenched his heart. Then he realized what she had said. 

"Sweet Amy, what do you mean, the moon goddess said it would hurt like this? When did you talk to her?" To talk to the moon goddess was almost unheard for a wolf. For a human to be able to talk to her was near impossible.

"The goddess came to me while I was asleep and said that she had placed us together for a reason. She also told me about this change, that you shared your DNA with me when you bit me and it started my change." Amy gasped as a new wave of pain hit her. By now she was gritting her teeth to keep from screaming, the pain was so great. 

All Ulfr could do was try to comfort his mate as the painful change took place. After hours of pain-filled screams and crying, she had passed out. Ulfr laid his hand upon her forehead and  noticed that she felt marginally cooler. Praying the worst was over, he left her to go run a bath for his mate. She may be unconcious, but he would be damned if he would let her lay in her own filth. Her body had expelled urine and feces as well as her vomitting. He used the phone in the room to call the maid to come and clean it while he bathed Amy and himself. 

Slowly undressing himself, then Amy. Carrying her into the bathroom, he stepped into the tub and lowered her into the warm water, hoping that it would ease muscles sure to be sore from hours of being clenched in pain. After cleaning them both, Ulfr stood and turned on the shower to rinse them off. As he did the moon goddess appeared to him. 

"Wolf, I'm so sorry. I never meant to cause you such torment. I merely wanted you to have a mate worthy of you. One who would live as long as you and be a comfort to you, and you to her. I never stopped to think of the pain her mortal body would have to endure during the change. I saw your tears, my son. I felt your pain. My heart is heavy, as is my guilt, that I would cause my own daughter pain. You are a mighty warrior and fierce lover. However, you are also a gentle and loving mate. You are so like your father in that. He was so afraid of injuring me with his great strength. It took him years to realize that I would not break.  Please, son, accept my apologies, for the pain that I have caused you and Amy." The beautiful woman, moon goddess, and mother to the fiercest of all of the wolves, allowed tears to run down her face.

Ulfr stared at his mother for a minute and then noded his head. Not trusting his voice, he used the family link to let her feel his hurt and anger, but also his love for his mother, as well as his forgiveness.

"Thank you, son. Now if only Amy will forgive me. She will be hungry when she wakes. She will need large amounts of meat to satisfy her. She will also go into heat in a matter of days. I hope that you are ready for pups. Because Amy will be extremely fertile."

Ulfr growled a little bit as his mother let out a light laugh. A laugh that she would always do when she knew something that he didn't.

"What? What is it, mother? Now is not the time to hold back." 

"You beautiful little mate has always wanted children. However, she had not been able to have them with her human husband. I wouldn't allow that. It didn't matter that they were from her human. That wasn't the point. I was selfish. I wanted them to be wolf. I wanted them to live alongside of both of you. I didn't want you two to have to bury a child or children that you had outlived. No parent should ever endure that. Now, Ulfr, it's time for you to finish taking care of you mate. Goodbye, my son. The next time we speak, Amy will be carrying my grandchildren." With that she vanished.

***********************************************************************************************Totally different. Let me know what you think.

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