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Ulfr carefully got up from the bed. He wanted Amy to sleep as much as possible. Her body had been through a lot. He had no clue what his mother was thinking, putting her through that. He was still angry. But he could not lay in bed any longer. The weight of his responsibilities of his office as Alpha of the district carried no small amount of paperwork. Paperwork that he had been putting off for the last two days. Had it really only been two days since he and Amy had met and mated? He also intended to ask his mother how Amy knew the English translation of his name. Since he was one of the oldest, his name reflected that. 

After getting something to eat, he made his way to his office to get some work done. He wasn't there long when a knock sounded on the office door.


Thomas, his Beta, stuck his head in and said, "You aren't gonna believe this. There are two vampires here asking about the Luna." 

Ulfr arched an eyebrow in question and Thomas merely shrugged.  Ulfr sighed. He had a feeling that this was going to complicated.

"Sir, Adrian and Dominic Bloodmoon. It seems that they have a  connection to our new Luna."

Thomas quietly ushered the two men into his Alpha's office and shut the door. He knew that he would not want any interruptions. "Can I help you two .....gentlemen with something. My Beta seems to think that you are interested in my mate, Amy."

"That's correct. We have a deep connection to Amy. One the girl is not yet aware of herself. Our coven has kept watch over her all of her life. Amy's special in ways that I think that you might be beginning to understand. Her birth heralded a prophecy in our coven." The biggest one said. 

At six foot, five inches, Ulfr was big. As an Alpha it was expected. However, the two vampires in front of him were just as large as he was. And, if he wasn't mistaken, just as old. It wasn't uncommon in the supernatural world to come across beings every day that were hundreds, sometimes, thousands of years old. Ulfr, himself, fell in between the two catergories. He slowly checked over both of them. The biggest was decidedly close to being his twin, if not for the pale complexion. Same build, same dark hair, same dark eyes. The other vampire was different. He was just at six feet, blonde hair, blue eyes, wiry build. Ulfr didn't kid himself into believing that the smaller of the two was harmless. Only a fool would do that, and Ulfr was no fool.

Before he could comment, he smelled his sweet Amy on the other side of his office door. The vampires did as well. When the knock sounded, he opended the door and pulled her into his arms. However, upon seeing the guests in her mates office, Amy squealed in joy and ran to the biggest vampire and practically leaped on him.

"Dominic! It's so good to see you again. How did you find me? And Adrian, how are you. I haven't seen you two in almost a year...... Oh. It is about that time isn't it? With the excitement of our mating, I completely forgot." Amy calmed down and went to stand next to her mate.

"Amy, sweetheart, what are you talking about?"

"My birthday. Every year since they rescued me, Adrian and Dominic come and spend my birthday with me. I forgot all about it until I saw them. My birthday is in two days." 

Ulfr looked down at his mate and when he did the two vampires gasped. The love that shone out from his eyes was unmistakable. Smiling, he reminded her that they had talked about her in great detail on the way here. "Oh yeah. I forgot. It seems that I've been doing a lot of that, lately. I'm sorry, Wolf, if I seem distracted. I still feel a little weird. Will I transform into a wolf, myself. Or will I just have the gene in my body to pass our to our children?" Amy stopped, realizing what she was asking. "We didn't talk about that. I mean,  you are an Alpha. You do want children don't you. I mean I'm not wolf by birth......" Amy stammered.

"Yes, love. I want you and I to have many children. If we are able. If not, I'll take what I can get. As long as I have you my life will be complete. Children will simply add to the picture." Smiling gently down at his flustered mate, Ulfr asked the question that had been plaguing his mind his their mating. "Love, how do you know my name in English? I never told you. "

Amy looked up and Ulfr and frowned. "I don't know. It just seemed to be the right thing to say. I know that my family is Nordic all the way back to the raiding period. I never learned to speak much. However, I have picked up a word or two here and there from my family. Why? Was I not supposed to say it?" 

"No love. It just surprised me, that's all. No matter. Lt's get back to the matter of your birthday. We should have a party to celebrate. It isn't every day that my mate turns twenty-six. Besides, I'm sure that pack and district officials would love a chance to meet their new Alpha female." Ulfr smiled at the look on Amy's face. True to her gentle nature, she never could understand why someone would be interested in meeting her. Her wonder and then her worry covered her face. He laughed gently as he tucked her into his side, hugging her close. He was just about to suggest that she eat when her stomach announced itself.

"Oh gosh. That's embarrassing. I'm sorry, gentlemen. I haven't eaten in two days, Ulfr?" At his nod, she turned to go find the kitchen. "Go explore the house, love. It's going to be your home for a long time. The kitchen is at the back of the house,  going out this door and turn left. Follow the hall, it ends at the kitchen." Ulfr smiled as his mate hurried to go, embarrassed because her stomach was continually making loud rumbles.

Turning back to the two vampires, Ulfr frowned. "Why is my mate so important to a coven of vampires? And don't give me any garbage about a prophecy. I want the truth!" If his sweet Amy was in trouble , he needed to know so that he can be prepared to protect her.

"Fine. She was the illegitimate daughter of our coven master. He died when she was a child. But, he made provisions for her in the event of his death. He commanded that she be constantly looked after until such time as she is married or mated to someone, human or supernatural, that could protect her." Dominic's face was dour as he spoke.

"Protect her from who or what, may I ask? If my mate is in danger, I have a right to know." Ulfr fiercely growled.

"From members of our coven. It would seem that while Amy is completely human, with no vampire traits, there are those in our coven who fear that she desires leadership in the coven for herself. Silly, of course, but there it is." Dominic's thoughts on the matter were completely clear from the tone of his voice and the expression on his face.

"Does Amy know who her father really is. I mean, does she know that her "father" was, in actual fact, her stepfather? This will break her heart. She will feel betrayed by you both. The simple truth is needed here. However, I will not spoil her party. She is not to be told until after tomorrow night. Then, we will sit down and discuss this with her together." Turning on his heels, he went to find Amy in the kitchen. 

When he found her, she was sitting at the table eating a plate of food that one of his pack members had fixed and left on the refrigerator for them. "I'm sorry, Wolf, can I call you that?" At his nod, she continued. "I was trying to save you some. But I was just so hungry. I have never in my life eaten so much food. It seems I can't get enough. Will I always have an appetite like this?"

Ulfr looked over at his beautiful red-faced mate and thought about the conversation that he had just had with the two vampires. "No love. Your body is just refueling from the change. However, you will notice that your appetite is bigger than before. Too, when you get pregnant, you appetite will increase some more. It's your body's way of making sure that you and the baby get the proper amount of nutrition."


Well. The secret is out. What do you think. Only two or three chapters left. Tell me what you think. I really want to know. Love it? Hate it? Can take it or leave it?

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