02 | Within The Details

399 79 45

Kellan Lovell

          "Please, help me!" Kellan cried out from her position on the ground. "Someone is following me!"

They all looked around skeptically, but seen no one.

"This the second time you came running and I'ont see not a fucking soul behind yo' ass. What type of shit you smoking?"

All the men lowly chuckled. There were about a good seven or eight men holding guns to Kellan, with her 5'5 slim frame on the ground, crying pathetically and appearing partially dressed.

"I am not on drugs! Someone was trying to kill me!" She yelled getting emotional. "Please! Just help me!"

"On my day off, ain't this some shit," the guy mumbled. "What's your name?"

"Does that matter? They could be after me right now." She sniffed back some tears trying to calm herself. They weren't taking her serious and the intruder could have followed her there.

"You came running into me crying wolf!" He spat. "Tell me yo' dumb ass name and I might decide to help you."

"Kellan! My name is Kellan Lovell."

Kellan's face was parallel with the ground as she looked between all the large men shoes surrounding her, daring not to look up at all the guns that were aiming downward.

"Do you know where you're at?" A random guy asked with thick hostility in his voice.

"No, I don't. I'm not from here. I-I just drove into town when I noticed a car following me," Kellan informed.

Silence filled the air as she waited for a response. Moments later, she felt hands on her causing her to scream out, afraid she was going to get killed.

"Chill with that noise, girl, and get up!" The guy with the neck tattoos roughly helped her off the ground as the other men began tucking their guns away.

The guy looked the short girl over closely for a while as she held her head low with her arms wrapped across her chest. He nodded his head to his guys and they all walked off in different directions away from the dark alley; except for one— who stood off to the side leaned against the brick wall.

Kellan wasn't sure what was about to happen or who they were, but he seemed like someone who knew trouble like the back of his hand and exactly how to deal with it.

As Tyler leaned against the bricks eyeing Kellan, Jink glanced at his cousin thinking of the next move to make.

"You said someone was trying to kill you? Explain," Jink spoke with intensity in his voice. Kellan took a deep breath, making sure to take a cautious look around.

"I don't think I'm safe here. There were t-two men threatening me. They came into my hotel room with guns drawn, and they even knew my name, b-but I've never seen them before in my life."

Jink, with the tattoos leading down his neck, looked Kellan into her dark brown eyes. He saw legit fear and knew that she couldn't have been lying. Tyler shook his head, not understanding why this was their problem...it's not like she hired them or anything. They didn't know this girl or where she came from. She could definitely be lying.

"You in some type of trouble? You owe someone money, stole from someone, gambling debt caught up with you, or any type of shit that would cause someone to be after you?"

She shook her head, disagreeing. Tears began to fall rapidly because that was just the thing, she didn't know why she was suddenly being put in this strange predicament.

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