Chapter Six

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[A.N] Hey all you readers!

This story is now at 1000 reads! Wow! I'd love some more votes and comments to improve, so please do that!

Enjoy the next chapter and remember:

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Edited: 09/11/15

---------------------------------------------- .Chapter Six.

He can't believe how messed up his knee is. He knew in his head that it was bad, but a torn ACL? Ugh.

Miles is currently taking him home and he's successfully breaking down all his walls.

As Niall left the doctor's office he threw up all his walls because he is so pissed at himself. He is just so livid that he left his knee in disrepair for so long.

As the two make their way down the highway he can feel Miles' stare penetrating the Wall of Niall, as he likes to call it. His blue eyes destroying it like laser beams.

"Hey Niall?" His smooth voice asks.

He attempt to ignore him.

"Niall... C'mon don't shut me out, I know your mad at yourself, but no use shutting me out..." His voice hangs in the air.

Miles is right, he knows he is.

Niall sighs loudly.

"You're right... I'm sorry Miles. I shouldn't shut you out over this. Just real disappointed in meself'. I can't believe that my ACL is torn..." His eyes begin to well again as the words leave his windpipe.

As the first tear falls from his cheek Miles pulls the car over into a rest stop.

He brings his hand over to Niall's shoulder and begins massaging it lightly with his strong hand.

"Ni, please don't worry about it right now. It's breaking my heart seeing you cry. An angel like you shouldn't cry, it's like seeing someone kick a puppy."

Niall turns his gaze to meet Miles' and he just breaks down. His sobs are nearly uncontrollable. Loud and muffled by the strong chest that brings him closer.

Niall grasps Miles with all that he has and it's so comforting to be held by this man. His protector who is there for him unconditionally.

"Please don't cry Ni. You are strong and will get through this surgery with flying colors. Sure the next few months will be hard, but I'll be here to help you."

Miles hand feathers through Niall's hair and he can't fight the shiver that flys through his spine from the subtle gesture.

Miles plump lips leaving short butterfly kisses on his temple.

Slowly he regains his composure and pulls back from his warm embrace. Effectively causing Niall's body to become cold again.

"You gonna be okay Ni?" He asks.

"Yeah, thanks Miles. Sorry bout' ruining your shirt." He says as he rubs his eyes.

"Anytime Ni. I'm here for you." His strong voice says effectively crumbling the rest of Niall's walls to the ground.

As Miles pulls from the rest stop Niall leans his head against the window. Miles is special to him. He can't explain how he makes him feel. His constant presence is killing him and healing him at the same time.

Niall lets his mind wander to the possibilities of Miles and him being together. He can imagine all the sappy dates, the cheering at the futbol games, and his support from behind the stage. These are all the things Niall wished for and the possibility of having these things with Miles makes his heart soar and the smile on his face comes back.

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