Chapter Seven

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Edited: 09/11/15
.Chapter 7.

After Miles left that night Niall laid in bed with the memory of the kiss still searing his lips.

Never in his twenty years of his life can he remember a kiss so mesmerizing. Not even when he was dating his high school sweetheart Holly, the girl he lost his virginity to.

How many times had they kissed and what he thought was this all consuming passion overcome him, when in reality he had no idea what he'd been missing out on.

With Miles things were easy-ish and the constant burn in his chest made him realize that what he had with Holly was no comparison to whatever it was Miles and him had.

Miles left twenty minutes after their kiss saying he had some stuff to take care of before Niall's appointment tomorrow. In reality Niall knew that it was an excuse and that he was probably freaking out just as much he was.

The problem is that Niall never thought of himself as gay or even bisexual, but that kiss changed his perspective completely. Whether it be him being gay now, or bisexual, or hell Miles-sexual. He wasn't sure. Whatever it was he planned to see this thing through with Miles.

Niall finally succumbed to sleep around 3 in the morning with the kiss still imprinted in his mind.

The next morning Niall woke up rather late and peaked out from his duvet realizing it was already noon. He had his surgery scheduled for less than 3 hours from now.

Niall considered all of his brothers and figured he'd call them and let them know what the plan was and how bad it was.

He quickly grabbed his phone off the side table and tapped in Lou. On screen Louis contact information popped up and he tapped on the call icon.

Body still covered by his duvet Niall let the phone call ring. On the sixth ring he heard Louis finally answer.

"Nialler! Sup buddy?"

"Hey Lou, I just woke up, and remembered I should probably let you all know how my knee is going.."

"Oh yeah your appointment was yesterday, how'd everything go?"

"Uhm, yeah... Bout that. I have kinda been lying a little about how much it had hurt and apparently I've gotten a pretty horrid tear in my ACL... So I have surgery set up for 3 hours from now.." He responds with a wince.

The line is silent for a minute.

"Niall... Why didn't you tell us!? This could have been avoided if you just told us!" Louis demands.

"Well sorry that we had so much shit going on that I didn't want to disappoint you guys!" Niall says a little loudly.

"Niall, my little leprechaun, when will you learn that nothing you do will ever disappoint us? We love you as you are and you don't need to hide stuff from us, we are your family..." Lou adds sadly.

"I know Lou. I just.. I couldn't let you all down. Stupid reason to let my knee suffer, but then I wouldn't have been able to do all that we had done together this year. I knew it was going to be bad, but I'm scared... I've never had this kinda surgery before and what if they fuck it up and I become a paraplegic the rest of my life!" Niall says anxiously.

"Ni, stop it. You are going to be fine! And if they fuck it up we will sue their practice for all they are worth. And you are right, your health comes before all this other shit okay? Don't forget that when we go on our next tour. I'll be watching you." Lou adds sassily.

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