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Victoria's P.O.V.

Right after Chase had left I plopped myself on the couch and closed my eyes, I feel so tired these days... I think I needed a day off and Chase suggesting to come to his favorite uncle Sean's house is a very great idea, he knows when I need to have a rest... Well even if I'll have a rest for today, the fact that my son's away from me makes me feel more restless than anyone. Sure I trust him with Sean but my son... I just don't want anything to happen to him so as much as possible I do everything I can to look at him all the time.

"Are you okay Tori, love?" Charles sat beside me and slung his arm over my shoulder, I leaned on his chest and closed my eyes... I feel really sleepy but energetic at the same time.... What on earth is this?

"I just feel quite restless, now that Chase isn't here, I don't feel like resting as I not used to this"

"Well, mom took Chase from us since they miss him, let him have fun with them and as your you, you have to take this as a resting time for you. Chase isn't here to bother you so I suggest you just sleep or have a rest"

Oh and yeah Mom, Charles'mother told us that she's going to fetch Chase later. Charles was the one who talked to her and he just told me right after, I don't know the contents of their conversation but I'm sure they understood each other, I think mom's going to fetch Chase in Sean's house. He'll stay there until night because I told him not to let my child sleep somewhere else as he won't be able to have a peaceful nap. By now it's already 3, mom promised to take Chase at 4.

"How can I have a rest if my other son is here?" I groaned, well if the other is out, the other is still here with me... Charles looked at me in alarm the moment I mentioned that, he almost looked like he wanted to murder someone... he's thinking bad thoughts...

"Other son?" I looked at him and pointed my finger at him, he looked confused in which I returned by a chuckle and gave him a small kiss on the cheek.

"You, I know you'll not let me sleep as you can't help but bother me every time I appear in your sight"

"That's true, all your attention is given to Chase which leaves me nothing anymore, as your husband I'm also yearning for my wife's attention"

Charles dragged me over so I was already sitting on his lap, I wrapped my arms around his nape as he started to stand up. For a moment I was shocked and confused on what he's doing, but then he went to the stairs and opened our room, I know he wants me to have a rest and sleep.... But throughout our journey there, I was looking at him in adorment...

"You're getting dramatic Charles, it's very unsual of you to voalize your feelings"

"Because I already learned my mistake, and that is by taking you for granted and not sharing my thoughts with you. I realized that I wasn't vocal and did not take you seriously" He placed a small kiss on my forehead and slowly laid me down on the bed, I unwrapped my arms around his nape and turned to my side, avoiding his gaze... I don't want to talk about us again, I just don't think I'm in the mood especially when I'm very sleepy as of now.

"Charles, I'm sleepy, I just want  to sleep if it's possible, kindly just please keep quiet"

"You know I don't like to be quiet" His breath tickled my ear as his hand wrapped around my torso and started to tickle me non stop, I started to laugh and hit him. I didn't know what happened but then I had just realized that Charles and I are actually having a petty pillow fight...

"My, what age are the both of you? Why are you still playing pillow fight like little kids?"

For a moment Charles and I stopped doing whatever we are doing and turned to the owner of that voice.... There before us, mom is standing together with dad who looked at us with a confusing look.... Did they just.... OMG! We were so childish!!!!

"Mom, dad, why are you here? Is there something wrong?" Charles quickly asked his mother as he attempted to give her a kiss, mom moved away which made Charles to retreat and place his hand on my waist.

"Where's Chase? We'll go ahead and spend some time with him"

"Isn't he with you? I thought you already took him" I spoke... Or did she not....

"Chase is here with me" Then Sean also appeared, he entered our room.... Gosh why are all of them entering Charles and I's room?!  I swear if they walk in in a very ad timing...

"Mommy! Daddy!" Chase also appeared as he ran towards me and his father... Gosh I didn't know an hour had already passed.. why is time so fast?

"Charles and Tori forgot to fetch Chase at my home, Chase wanted to come with me and play so Charles said yes"

"Yeah, thank you Sean, next time always be there to watch over Chase as his parents are busy having fun and playing pillow fight as they momentarily got back to their childhood days" Mom shooked her head and has this disappointed look... But then she smiled... Was she just joking?

"Sorry mom"

"I guess it can be good, have a fun time as we'll take Chase from the both of you"

Mom smiled happily... Fun? What kind of fun? I looked at Charles in wonder but he himself also looked very confused.

"What does that mean mom?"

"A niece would be nice Charles, I'll wait for her then, see you Charles"

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