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Victoria's P.O.V.

It was quite a early when I woke up, it was 8 in the morning when I woke up and noticed that Chase is already awake. He slept with me... And Charles last night as we then decided to sleep in Charles' room which was... Our past room when we were married then, actually when things still are not worse then...

"Mommy look, this dinosaur is too cute!" I turned to stove off as I then placed the spatula down as I was done cooking carbonara for my cute son and Of course Charles, my son wrapped his arms around my thighs and flashed a cute little dinosaur toy before me.

"Why it is cute Chase, where'd you get this?"

"Daddy gave it to me last night, he said he found this in his treasure box when he was still a kid"

It seems like the bond of Chase and Charles are getting more an more stronger as time passes by everyday, they got to know each other more and is having a lot of fun time together. He knows what his son's favorite things are now, he knows the things I sometimes don't know about Chase which made me so surprised. It seems like everything is slowly getting more and more perfect in my life...

"Daddy!" I snapped out of my thoughts and saw Charles slowly walking down the stairs with his half asleep eyes and heavy footsteps, he looked so tired even if he just woke up but a small smile appeared on his face when he saw me and Chase.

"Hey Chase, how was your day? You forgot to wake daddy up"

"Mommy said you're so tired so I decided to just play with mommy, you should also rest daddy" Chase ran to his dad as they both then sat on the chair in the dinning room, I just finished cooking breakfast and since Charles likes pasta so much I decided to cook mushroom carbonara.

Chase then ran to the kitchen and then stared preparing for the utensils as the plates are already placed on the table, I sat before Charles and looked at him with a worried look. Last night, Charles got home looking very tired, actually he looked sick last night but I can't bother to ask him why since I know that it's all about the company, I told him to just rest last night and told Chase that his dad is dry tires so maybe he'll just play with him in the morning since Charles doesn't have any work today.

"You looked tired and stressed last night, I can't bother to ask you infront of Chase as the kid will surely be worried"

"I don't know if I should tell this to you or not, because I don't want you and Chase to ever be gone in my life, I don't want you to leave me but I think what he said was right?"

Now Charles looked much more worried, the way he talks is very much weird and surprised me, he doesn't talk like this before which is very much unlikely of him. Plus he mentioned 'he'... Who could this man be that caused Charles to be totally bothered?

"He? Who's 'he'?"

"Sean came to my office yesterday, he threatened me that he'll take you and Chase away from me if I'll hurt you once again. His words seems to keep on repeating in my head yesterday that's why I had a migraine last night"

"Don't over work yourself, you'll get sick if you'll do that. Your health is the number one priority here"

I held his shoulder and gave him a small pat, I know how much Sean can be protective of Chase and I since he knows many things about me, he's my friend and is closer to me than any one. Chase is important to him and I know that it wasn't intentional for him to suddenly say words that might've made Charles over think yesterday. For sure it's just a friendly warning not to hurt me or his child, but I'm sure Charles wouldn't do such thing as he already knows his mistake and is doing everything just to make everything right.

"I know Tori"

"Daddy! Let's go out, I want to see the park"

Then in less than a minute our little energy ball stared running towards us with the utensils on his hand, he gave it to me as I then started wiping them to ensure that it's clean before Charles and Chase starts eating.

"Let daddy have his breakfast first, so while he's eating let's take a bath okay? To refreshen ourselves?"

"Okay, but daddy eat fast" Charles and I chuckled at our son's response as heghen started eating very fastly... Seems like if he likes to do something he'll be very persistent and will keep his words...

About an hour, Charles and I finished preparing wherever Chase wants to go, actually it was Charles who decided to go to a certain place. I have no idea where he wants to bring us but since Chase loved his daddy more than me... I guess I just have to follow the boys...

"Wow! There's so many flowers here daddy, it's so beautiful"

"You brought us to one of your branches? Why are we here?"

We're here at Diamond Rose Park, it's a place where people can easily enjoy doing random things, and actually it's a place where people can rent it and use it for parties and celebrations they want to host. You can host celebrations like birthdays, baptism and of course weddings...

"This is your idea Tori, remember when you said you wanted to have your own company to be hired by many couples? The one where you're going to be an event planner and organizer for happy couples? Well I made your dream into a reality"

His eyes stared at mine as sincerity was evident in his eyes, Chase is holding his father's hand as his other hand is slowly slipping with mine... Our eyes met... And I know that he's telling me what he got...

"This is what happened Tori, this is what made me more inspired to have you back"

"Mommy! Look! There are many people-"

"Chase be quiet, they're getting married." I stopped my son from talking as he suddenly started pointing at a place where a wedding is still currently being held, actually is just starting as we saw the bride slowly walking down the aisle with tears running down her very beautiful face... They look like they're just in their late twenties... So young...

"Why did you bring us here when there's a couple getting married? They should have their privacy"

"It's the couple's wish to see our family here, they wanted to meet the person who inspired me to be a better man than I was. The person who changed me for the better"

"They're getting married? But why is the bride crying mommy? Shouldn't she be happy?"

"She's crying because of happiness, that she's going to live the rest of her life with the person she loves, she's crying because she loves him so much that even her eyes and emotions can't hide it"

"Then when you and daddy got married, you cried in happiness also? Just like the bride because you love him so much?" Chase turned to me as he looked up and asked me with blinking eyes, I was surprised at his question and turned to look at Charles who looks like he's expecting an answer....

"Yes Chase, mommy cried because I loved your daddy so much... I love him"

This time... No more jokes... This time... No more lies... Just ore truth... And the truth is... I love him....

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