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Jimin crouched down to jungkook's level and wrapped his arms around his shaking frame, surprised to see him flinch at the contact.

" it's okay jungkookie, you can let it out, i'm here " jimin whispered and jungkook's heart fluttered at the words, he never thought jimin would say something like that without being forced, he raised his head and look right into his eyes, bathing in the sincerity that they emmited.

He nodded and hugged jimin back, crying his heart out and letting all the pain that bottled up for so long out of his chest, feeling himself get better by the second, and the weight on his shoulders get lighter by each sobb as if he was shaking it away.

Jimin could only sooth him by drawing little circles across his back and running his hand throught his hair all the while whispering sweet nothings to his ear. He wanted to be gentle so that jungkook knows he has someone to rely on, and maybe he would stop being too needy for power and superiority over him.

" alright kookie, you see? It's okay to cry sometimes " he said sweetly and a small smile appeared on jungkook's lips.

" kookie? Cute, i like it "

Jimin chuckled shortly and went back to his serious look.

" now tell me kookie, what happened to you? " he ask with a hint of pity but a lit of worry in his voice, and jungkook's smile flatenned.

" love, i-i don't think i can- "

" hey look at me " jimin said holding his shin between his thumb and forefinger " it will help you if you tell someone what's been on your mind, jungkook wouldn't want to suffer right? So why do you let yourself be incaged in such a horrible nightmare, while you can share it with me and let me understand you more? " he gently smiled and pecked him on the lips to encourage him.

Jungkook felt his face burn and his lips tingle, he knows he's blushing like crazy but it had never happened before, what was jimin doing to him? He thought.

" um-uh ok-okay " he stuttered and jimin smiled fondly at the cute melting pudding in front of him, he's never seen this side of jungkook and he swears it's the best side so far.

But soon enough, the atmosphere regained it's calm and seriousness. Jungkook prepared himself to say the biggest secret he had, and jimin prepared himself to hear it.

" i was in jail... 2years ago " and that was all it took for jimin to understand where it was going. Nonetheless he let him finish his story till the end.

" i was arrested in my graduation ceremony, they came to my school and handcuffed me without me knowing anything, they pushed me on the ground infront of everybody, my parents, my teachers, my classmates, everyone saw how they treated me, then they announced the news that got everyone gasping which was arrested for triple homicide... I told them i didn't do anything but they wouldn't listen to me, i eventually calmed down, thinking that they wouldn't have anything on me since i had nothing to do with it in the first place, but the verdict was declared , and guilty was the only word ringing my my head, the judge had taken the evidence in concideration, it had my DNA all over the crime scenes and bodies, and the footprints matched with one of my timberland shoes, other than that it was all clear, nothing else to prove me innocent... That's when i realized that my life was over, i was sentenced with 10 years of prison, and not any prison... I was locked up in the worst district, where the sickest killers were, as if I was one of them. I went through hell, they even tortured us sometimes, at night they would make some deafenning noises to keep us from sleeping, and every few days the racket would change so we couldn't get used to it, they barely gave us any food, and the strongest took over the weakest's meal. I was the youngest in the district and they would bully me everyday at first, beat me up till i was covered in blood and bruises then leave me on the cold floor, rape me until i passed out, leave me starving for days, or drown me in the toilet tubs, it was so... So pai-nful " jungkook started sobbing again and jimin tried to contain his tears as best as he can , hugging him closer and kissing his forehead from time to time. The elder couldn't leave him now even though he hurt him in many ways, jungkook was still so young, and he didn't deserve such a twisted and horrible turn in his life, he needed love and care, he needed freedom and happiness, he shouldn't have experienced any of what he did.

" but after a few months, i started fighting back, talking back to whoever insulted me, pushing away whoever tried to wrong me, of course i didn' t always succeed, some prisonners wanted to show how strong they were and went overboard, others just let me have my few minutes of glory , and a few were impressed by my 'new-grown balls' they called it, and started teaching me how to survive in that world of monsters, slowly turning me into one myself, they put me through many tests, ones that involved strength and others that involved intelligence, it was as if they trained me, telling me to remember one thing ' if you disobey you get punished, but punish whoever disobeys you... The strongest wins ' that was the line they all repeated and acted on, and i followed "

' so that's where he got his temper from '

" after even more time, i started getting used to it, i even got myself a reputation as my name became ' New Scar ' , i numbed myself for whatever could come at me for the next 9 years i was going to spend there, until i got word that i was to be set free in a week because they had found the real killer... I thought god had had mercy on me, and liberated me from the hell i was locked in, i thanked the heavens for that fortunate turn of events, the guards were standing in front of me yet i was barely registering anything they said, until i was damned enough to ask that question. They say curiosity killed the cat, well i believe it is true, i asked who the killer was and they answered with none other than my bestfriend's name, i told them it wasn't him and that he might have been framed as well but the day our eyes met in court, i knew they were right, the look in his eyes was not the one i used to know and find comfort in, it was no more than disgusted and empty orbs staring at everybody like they wanted to end their lives in the most attrocious way possible... It hurt me to know that the person i trusted the most, parents apart, betrayed me like that, allowing himself to ruin me and my future, to crush my heart and drag my name into his own filth... I cried for months after my release, i nearly went crazy knowing that nothing could ever save me from the hole i was thrown into, going through all that shit because of him, then everything resurfaced and i started remembering the torture and pain, i started having nightmares all over again, and the sentence they said made more sens to me everyday, so i started acting on it, even though i didn't want to hurt anyone, but it was the way to power, and i needed power"


Now you know much more about jungkook!  See y'all next time :)

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