*All American Girl Discovers Irish Stud...A Possible Fairy Tale? 6

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Chapter 6

I didn't know why this whole situation never clicked in my mind until this very second as I started to feel light-headed and weak in the knees. I had fainted before in my life and if I remember right, this is exactly how I felt right before...black out.

I was going to faint, and I knew it. I was on my way to the floor when I caught sight of Logan. His face showed horror, confusion, worry and he rushed to catch me but was too late. That was the last thing I saw before I blacked out against the black and red tiled floor.

~~ Logan POV~~

Damn it, I couldn't catch her in time and she crashed against my tile flooring. I was scared shitless at this point, why would she faint over something small like that? I was only teasing her anyway.

I quickly knelt down in front of her and picked her up. Then I turned to Mutt with a ' what do I do?' face.

" Let her sleep it off, sir. It'll do her good."

" Aye, I suppose that t'would be the best thing to do. Oy, silly American gal. Faintin' over a small matter of Lordship." I turned and walked down the hall to the library. I disposed of her gently onto the soft leather settee in front of the large stone fireplace.

I knelt down by her head and stared at her beauty. Golden brown locks framed a heart shaped face. A perfect petite nose centered below a set of closed eyes that he longed for to stare at his back. And those lips... pink, full, dear god, how would they feel on his?

Stop. He needed to stop this insanity. She was an uncouth American who he saved only to get verbally thrashed around in return.

He moved over to the fireplace which he strictly remembered the making of. It was the year 1710. He arrived on his masculine horse, Cobalt, and halted as the sight of the last few stones being plastered into place consumed his full attention and amazement.

He jumped off Cobalt and walked over to the large mass of stones, built to be a chimney. He placed a hand on it, feeling it's roughness against his own rough fingertips. It was an amazing sight. Customized just for him, designed to show masculinity and match with the rest of the house.

His thoughts were interrupted as a soft coo came from the settee. He returned to her side and began running his hand through her hair absentmindedly.

~~Alesia POV~~

I heard someone move to my side and felt the presence of them there, only a mere few inches away from me, almost hovering over me. Where was I? And why was I so warm and comfortable, and sleeping? I didn't remember anything about falling asleep.

My thoughts were silenced making way for new ones when a large, warm hand ran through my soft hair, stroking it. It was a foreign feeling but it felt so great. Wait, who on earth was petting me?!

I decided to open my eyes and find out, but regretted my decision when I was caught in the stare of Logan Carrigane. It all flooded back to me now. I had fainted, due to me insulting him in numerous ways and telling him my personal opinions on how I thought he looked.

Without putting any, and I mean any, thought into it I bolted upright due to fright and smashed heads with him.

" Ouch!" I shrieked.

" Goddamn gal! Are ye tryin' to put me out?" He yelled but there was a hint of a smile on his face.

" Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it! Didn't mean to hurt you, Lord!"

His face dropped from the smirk. " You too now aye? Can't a guy be normal! Jaysus, I wish ye'd just go back to hatin' me if you're gonna call me Lord for christ's sake!"

" Umm, well for one, I was calling this situation Lord, not you, second, no, I don't think you could ever be normal." I looked up at him with a teasing grin and folded my arms over my chest in a ' thats my story and I'm stickin' to it' kinda way.

He had a gradual smile forming on his lips and he looked up at me through his eyelashes, seeing as he was now lower than me, still crouched on the floor.

" Is that so." He said slowly with his deep voice. " Well what makes you think that aye?"

I had to stand my ground and not get sucked into the seductive glare he was giving me, " Well, you live in this huge castle... you're practically royalty" He interrupted with coughing, " Are you okay?"

" Fine, fine, just... struck me as funny, thats all. Go on."

" Okay, well... you have servants!" He just continued to stare at me with a tired face while I told him. " And... you are incredibly and unrealistically good looking."

His smirk was full blown now. " Aye, ye think so do ye? Well it's pretty obvious the way ye tried ta kiss me just then." He chuckled knowingly.

" Eh- what? No, nooo, that is so not what I was doing!"

" Right girly. Right. You can keep that idea in your purty lil head for now, but I know the real truth. You want to seduce me, and I know it." His smile softened. It scared me because he sounded serious for a minute, until I looked away and his loud rumbling laughter jumped me from my thought.

I humphed and got up stomping towards the door. I had enough of his endless teasing and downright foolish accusations. I was not going to sit around and listen to this man accuse me of seduction and blah, blah, blah. I was right in front of the door when I heard his heavy footfalls of him running to catch up to me so I whipped around about to tell him off.

Instead he was so close that he backed me right up to the giant door and captured my eyes with his. He moved his eyes to my lips and back taking quick glances down every now and then. He took a deep sigh that had a hint of a growl in it and put one hand on each side above my head. He wasn't touching me at all but I could feel the heat radiating off him and soaking into my own delicate skin. He slowly brought one thick muscled arm up beside my head to linger on the door, and soon after brought the second one up on the other side of my head.

In this case I was so small and vulnerable in contrast with him. He could do anything he wished with me right now because of his power, and not just royalty. The bulging muscles underneath his tightened shirt supported that theory.

My thoughts were broken then.

He whispered, " Why lad. Why do ye have this burning hate for me." He said it like a sentence, not a question. He stared into my eyes up through his lashes. His mouth was fixed into a tight line showing masculinity. His jaw flexed when I didn't give him an answer to satisfy his publicly displayed thoughts to me. I was determined not to break under his spell that probably undid many women over his years as they knelt at his feet begging him for mercy against his masculine ways.

Minutes had passed when he expelled an angry breath pushing back from the door and I. Finally. A one sided truce, the beast being the beat. The pitiful girl, the master.

He turned his back and started walking back further into the library. Then suddenly he whipped around into a frustrated stance and said in a gravelly, angry tone, " I do not get you Alesia. But I WILL find you out. That is a promise."

With that I departed the room hurriedly and shutting the massive cherry door behind me. But I cannot forget the look of vexation and fury on that devastatingly handsome face as I expired the room seconds ago.

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