Chapter 1: Elizabeth's story part 1

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I was born on Middas quarter half in the beginning age. Nowadays it would just be known as June with no exact year. My mother is Queen Ann Mary Kingston, a vampire recently turned by the King, Jonathan Kingston. He is the only one who knows his exact age but some vampires say that he was the first vampire ever, which is the reason the people made him king with no argument. The king chose my mother when she was seventeen, and turned her on her eighteenth birthday. He marked her as his mate and then from that day on, he decided that he will pick each royals mate to keep the royal children beautiful. For the non-royal vampires he made a law that said each vampire child will be given a mate by their parents, and if anyone breaks the rules they are killed on the spot. Harsh, yes, but that is the way vampires work. 

It gets the job done and so far we have only killed 23 people. Anyway that's where I come in. When my mother was still pregnant with me my father picked out an old vampire for me. He was still attractive, all vampires are, but the way he talked and held himself just screamed old guy. Jules Dracula. Not directly related to THE Dracula but some great great cousin or something. He just milks the name to get attention and power. He was actually the one who suggested being bonded to me. Being the only child, I was up next for the throne and he wanted to be king. 

For the first 10 years of my life I spent all my time with teachers and nannies, learning how to be a "proper" queen. I never really had any time to do anything entertaining. So at the young age of 14, I started to rebel against the rules. At night instead of learning to sew and cook, I would sneak out and go to the teen section of the castle. The entire vampire people under the kingdom live in the castle, so all I had to do was jump out my window to the courtyard and then get past a couple locked doors to get to the common people part. That first time I broke out was the best night of my life! I learned so many knew things. For one, I learned some games, met people and played all kinds of sports. I quickly mastered them all and the e feeling was amazing. But the best part about that night was when I encountered a mirror. In the royal part of the castle there is no need for mirrors because other people dress you and do your makeup. I had never known what I looked like before then, and let me tell you I am beautiful! I mean, I already knew that because I am a vampire, and a princess at that. But it was still shocking to see me. I had beautiful, long, black as night hair, striking blue eyes, and a body to turn heads. 

After that first day I kept a small mirror on me at all times and made it a habit to party at night. I would always dread going back to the castle and being forced to be with Jules with his creeping eyes and touchy hands. I longed for the nights, when I don't have to watch what I say, or how I act. Nights are what I live for. Ironic huh? The vampire comes to life at night. Hardy har har I know.

Now I am 16 years old. Lately everything seems more pressured. Later I have to go on my first "date" which I am not looking forward to at all.

I call some maids in to bring in some clothes before I go to take a shower. I love the feel of hot water cascading down my bare back. I was so relaxed that I decided to go into my true form.

My true form is basically my normal form but my fangs grow and my nails automatically become longer and sharper. You may be asking, if she lives with other vampires then why don't they just all go in their true forms all the time? Well when in true form you are more sensitive to things, especially scent and blood. Most of our maids were human so it's not exactly ideal to have 8,000 vampires ready to kill anything with a pulse at every moment of the day. Out of loyalty to the humans we try to only let our true forms out when we know we won't be disturbed. Plus our clothes disappear in vampire form, nobody knows why, so it's an intimate thing.

Going back to regular form, I head back to my room wrapped in a white towel. When I open the door to the princess suite, my room, I am met with a familiar face. 

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