Truth or dare#😁1

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This is my first book so I hope you will like it!
Therw is a few mistakes because I don't know english much but I hope you will like it!

Ginka, Tsubasa, Masamune, Kyoya, Hikaru, Madoka, Yuu, Kenta, Ryuga, Jack, Damian and Dashan were having a battle when they were suddenly knocked out.
When they wake up they were in a white room.

"Where are we?!"asks Ginka as he stood up.

"WHERE THE F*CK ARE WE?!!"shouts Ryuga, Kyoya and Damian at the same time.

("Hello my name is Davie! Your all here for truth or dare!")I say sweetly.

"NOOOO, NOT AGAIN!!"they all call in unision.

"We won't do it!"says Ryuga angrily.

("Yes you will or ells your beys will be crushed!(evil laugh)and I have one more person or should I say spirit who will join you!")I say them.

"Who is this person or spirit you talking about?"asks Tsubasa curiosy.

("That person or spirit iiiiiis.......DARK TSUBASAAAAA!!!!!YUUHUUUU!!")I shout evilly.

"Whaaaat?!"Tsubasa asks scarely.

"Whaat? You're not happy to see me? I'm happy to see you my litlle Tsu-san~"Dark Tsubasa says as he appeared right in front of Tsubasa face.
By that Tsubasa frightened and jumps over the wall.
Dark Tsubasa started laughing and the others just watched with open mouths by what he had just sayd.

(" let's start the game! First dare goes to....Ryuga!")

"Nooo, why me?"he says angrily.

("Just to it or you know what will happen. Okay your dare is to sing 'Bad boy' by Cascada!")

"Noo I will not to it!!"screams he.

("Ohh, yes you will!")I shout as his bey appeared in screen.

"Okay....."he says as he gives up.

Then he started singing the singing the song and when he finisged everyone started laughing and rolling in the floor expect Tsubasa (because he is too mature). Ryuga face is bright red when he finished the song. He goes back to his spot over the wall and don't say a word.

("Okaay....the next truth goes to...TSUBASA!!")

"This will not be good"he says as he walked to the truth machine, when he walked there Dark Tsubasa appeares on his back and touches his butt. Tsubasa knocks him to the head and everyone where having O/O faces. Then they started laughing.

("Amm....okay here your's truth. Have anyone mistaken you to girl and asked you out?") Tsubasas face turned as red as tomato and everyone starts laughing again. Then he finally answers-

"Y..yes"he says slyly.

("Okay. Now it's Dark Tsubasa turn").

Dark Tsubasa appeares on the truth machine.

("It's from me by the way. Why did you touch Tsubasas butt before?")

Dark Tsubasa smirked a little then answers "Why you ask? Maybe because I want to and I like that?"
Then he dissapears from the truth machine and appeares next to Tsubasa.

("Okay...seems like you told the truth so the next dare goes to Ginka and Masamune!") I shout elated.

"SAY WHAAT?!"they shout together at the same time.

("As you heard, you two have to eat hamburgers and the one who eats more is the finner! Here's the hambungers!")😃

"Okay let's to this!"shouts Ginka.

"Yeah!"shouts Masamune back.

Then they started eating and eating and earing until Masamune just don't want anymore. Ginka continues eating the hamburgers until he stops.

"Yeaaaa, I won!"screamed Ginka happily.

("Okay...Ginka won and Masamune lost! Now moving to our next truth what goes to the Kyoya!")I tell elated.

"Okay, whatever just let's get this over with." He tells annoyedly.

("Okay, who is your favourite boy in this room and the one you would share a bed?")I ask with smirk as he blushes.

"W-well I-I woud s-share a r-room with T-Tsubasa because he is a-adorable and c-cute...."he says with a blush.
Everyone started laughing and even I but then Dark Tsubasa interferes

"WHAT TO YOU THINK YOU'RE SAYING TO MY TSU-SAN, HE'S ONLY MINE AND NO ONE OTHER. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?!!!"he shouts and everyone went silent and were suprised even Tsubasa was.


Everyone was suprised by that.

("YOU GUYS SHUT UP OR I CRUSH YOURS BEYS!!!") I yell so that everyone stays guiet.

(Okay, see you guys tomorrow. Now go to sleep and we will continue tomorrow! Good night!😘") I say that and everyone left to theirs rooms. Boys were sharing a room and girls were sharing a room.

Okay I hope you guys will like that!😁
Another chapter will come soon!😁😄

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