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I hate it how your parents give you a lecture on being your self and when you are they talk all this crap and tell you they want you to change and then they say they will always be there for you and support you but in the end they don't support you and they aren't there for you if any of you feel this way don't worry your not alone the truth is everyone has ether both or one of their parents telling them to change or fix their attitude or worst of all grow up. If you still play video games, watch anime, read comics / manga, like hello kitty, and most of all like to believe in the things we can't see your not a kid you are you. Just an amazing person who still has a soul who is different and isn't being controlled by everyone. You are free and still have an imagination that is different and fun and most of all it's you. I hope you all love who you are and you don't change or fix your attitude and most of all don't grow up stay the same different and free. see the truth in who you are.

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