Chapter 3 The truth

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On our way to the castle where Arwan lives, as we were walking through the blood red forest looking for supplies for healing potions or strength potions for the final battle between us and Arwan , I asked Fenyr and Arianwen why they wanted to help. Fenyr didn't answer and Arianwen didn't want to talk about it either. i guess they had a bad past. 

"well my power...." i started to say but then Fenyr said "when i was a little boy i had a happy life with my parents and my dog. i had it all but then when Arwan had gotten into power he had attacked any people who had treason against him and my parents were one of them. when Arwans army had found us my father and mother had put me in a bunker where the army of goblins couldn't find me, then after a while i heard the clashing of weapons banging together and i thought to myself over and over again that my parents will be OK, then after awhile the fighting stopped and i heard muttering like "where is the boy i thought that master Arwan said that there was one man and a woman and a boy", "we are going to be in so much trouble with Lord Arwan", then eventually they had stopped looking for me and went back to the castle and i peeked my head out and when i did i saw that my house was burnt to the ground and i also saw that my parents were lying dead on the ground with multiple stabs in them, i had thrown up a lot till i didn't have anything left in my stomach. and that's why i want to kill Arwan in a slow and painful death so i can bring peace to this country." "wow that is... wow i cant even describe what you have been through jeez. 

OK how about your story Arianwen" i said *sighs "fine ill tell you my story but it will be surprising and you guys might want to kill me. ok here i go, i am the daughter of Arwan the Malevolent. so it all started when i was a little girl, i had loved my father a lot before he had become king of Caerpheith and became evil and all of that. but when he did he had started disrespecting me like beating me and not letting me go outside, then when i was a teen i decided to run away from him and when he found out that i had run away he started a search party to go and look for me, so then i had started to live in the wild, and i've been out there for 17 years living on my own, until this day which you guys have found me so yay" "umm i don't know how to explain this but i don't know if i could trust you anymore" i said " oh well i guess we should get going now. 

then we had started to go to the bridge, but when we had got there the bridge had broken and there was an 1000ft drop to the river. "OK your going to have to trust me " Arianwen said "fine" i said. so then she quickly made a net to carry us across the 1000ft drop ravine with the river below them. then we all got in the net and she turned into a giant griffin and brought us across the river where there were many herbs for Elisabeth to make potions with.

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