What Happened?

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Y/n's POV:
I was hearing screams, so I decided to go investigate. Even though brother should have it under control.
I walked down the stairs, and saw the door smashed open. "Brother? What's happening?" I spoke. Him and a girl with orange hair faced me. She readied her wand, and began to use power.

"Lucinda! Don't! She's with us!" Spat Ein, shoving her.

"Oh, sorry brother" she simply said, turning back around to face the door.

"Y/n, what's the matter? You should be upstairs..." asked Ein, walking towards me. I was about to reply, but a scream caught me off guard.


"What was that?!" I shouted, running to the door.

"Y/n! Stay here!" Screamed Ein, grabbing my shoulders and forcing me back inside. "Stay here...please..."

"Oh...but...why can't I come with you, brother?"

"Because it's too dangerous for you..plus, me and Aphmau are good. Sorry...but stay here. Do you understand?" He stated, gripping my shoulders hardly. I flinched at the harness, and obeyed.

"Yes, brother...I understand..." I sighed, and smiled slightly. He let go of me and smiled.

"Good. Now go back upstairs"

I obeyed and walked up the stairs....why can't I go with him?

You're Not The Ein I Remember...(Ein x Reader ~ Emerald Secret)Where stories live. Discover now