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Y/n's POV:

I've been walking around now with (dragon name) for a while now. We've seen stuff, but not what we needed. No sign of Ein. I last saw him being taken away by that person. I've cried and sobbed now and then, but I've lasted. I've never stopped thinking about him, and I hope he's okay...because who knows what will happen.

~hours later~

Me and (dragon name) have been out for hours now. I can tell that (he/she) is hungry. So I decided to go get some food for (her/him.) Its about 8 at night now. So i left (he/her) in some bushes. "Be back soon (boy/girl)" I smiled, stroking (his/her) head.

I walked off and looked through some bushes. Berries. Strawberry's. Anything!

I walked around a little more, and eventually found some berries. I knew they were harmful, but years ago, my mom taught me how to make then edible. She used to hunt all the time with my dad, and that's how they learnt...

I picked a load off, and cupped them all in my hands. I focused. You needed to be calm. Remove all of the stress from your mind.

I relaxed, and then, I felt something in my hand happen. Have I done it?

I opened my hands, and gasped, "I did it!"

I grinned and ran back to (dragon name). But when I got there. Someone was already there...

I tucked the berries in my back pocket, and spied on the person.

It was the one that took Ein.

"Hmm, I smell her...she's been here..." they muttered. They shuffled through the bushes and gasped. "What's this?"

He picked up (dragon name). "Oh, a dragon...? I never knew these types of creatures existed. Are you owned to that girl?"

(dragon name) didn't do anything. (He/she) just stared at them. "Ugh...well...I'll keep you for myself..." 

They were about to walk off, but I cut them off. "Stop!"

They turned around and smirked. "Ah...there you are, 'girl'. Is this...your dragon?" 

"Yes, and I'd like (him/her) back!"

"Nu-uh. Finders keepers, doll"

"But, I found (her/him)!"

"Snooze ya lose, sweetheart. Now lets go dragon.."

They were gone within a blink of an eye, and I heard (dragon name) cry (his/her) last breath before I couldn't see or here them anymore... "No..." I whispered "ugh!"

I got up and punched a tree, causing my knuckles to crack. "Argh!" I groaned, grabbing them with my other hand, "stupid tree!"

I sat down and looked at the tree with rage, and said "What's happening to me....?"

Stadium's POV:

Me and the others were staying calm, and protecting the cave until Star started barking. "Star, what is  the matter?" I asked, walking towards him. 

"I sense something not good" he replied, sniffing the air,

"What do you mean- oh...I smell it now..its that...cloaked human from before that killed the others. Where's it coming from?"

Ein's POV:

I felt weird. I was seeing nothing but darkness. I could hear laughing. But not good laughing....

You're Not The Ein I Remember...(Ein x Reader ~ Emerald Secret)Where stories live. Discover now