The Party never ends

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Becoming best friends with the opposite sex, almost never works out as they always seem to fall in love. But not in this story, Alex and I have always been best friends since the day we were born, literally. Our mothers was in the same hospital room, with the same midwife and gave birth around the same time, so we were destined to be best friends.

However, when rumours start they cause friendship to fail and emotions run high. This is what happened to us. We are no longer best friends, more like acquaintances.

This is my first year in University, I was hoping that Alex would let bygones be bygones but things only got worse. He got a girlfriend. I know what you're thinking 'Why am I so hung up if he has a girlfriend?'

Although, we are acquaintances Alex is still a big part of my life and usually when Alex gets a girlfriend, he gets all mushy and chews my ear off talking about her, I hated it but I really miss it.

Speaking of Alex; as I was walking towards my dorm room, Alex was walking towards me with his arm slung around his girlfriends shoulder. He must of felt my glare because he turned his head directly at me and smirked, Urgh.

" Hey, it's been two years just leave it babe" My boyfriend Simon gave me a side hug as we walked.

"I know, but it still hurts. I couldn't explain myself he left so quick" I walked to my door and turned to face Simon, who was texting on his mobile again.

"So, I have to go. Kirsty needs my opinion on this stupid art homework we have to do" I nodded my head, as he kissed my cheek. I knew exactly what he meant by that. There was no art homework he was just shacking up with Kirsty and thought I didn't know about it.

Why don't I get rid of him, you ask? Because Charlie and I are planning on exposing him to the whole University because I found out that Kirsty was originally his girlfriend but I never knew until this week, hence the reason why we are hatching a plan to expose him.

"Why are you standing there, when we having a PARTYY to get ready for?" Charlie pulled me in our dorm and started throwing clothes my way, muttering about how my wardrobe is not updated and not slutty enough.

Charlie and I have been good friends since we first met each other in the courtyard of this University. She is the polar opposite of me. She is loud, outgoing and stupidly fashionable unlike me. If it weren't for Charlie I would stay in sweats and hoodies all day.

"I found one! Out of all the hideous clothes you have, I have found the one!" She held up a beautiful dress, top half black which has a lace pattern over the chest and shoulder area and the bottom white, which flared out and reached my knees. She paired it with a pair of white heels and a long necklace with my Initials on.

"That aint mine, neither are those" I pointed at the dress and the heels, not recognising them and she chuckled.

"You really thought I found this in your wardrobe" She burst out laughing and passed the outfit to me, ushering me into the bathroom to change.

I looked at myself in the mirror as I put the outfit on. I'm not going to say I saw a whole new girl, because I'm not a new girl, just the same old me wearing pretty clothes. I admit I like to dress up but I never get the chance too, hence the reason why I have no party dresses. I walked out of the bathroom, well more like wobbled because of these heels and sat down on my vanity table and applied make up. I curled my blonde hair and pinned it to the side, I applied a small amount of make up. I was in the middle of doing my eyeliner, when Charlie came out of the bathroom wearing her outfit.

Charlie wore a stunning black dress which came above the knee which had a diamond pattern on the hem of the dress and a glitter belt which she wore on her waist. She paired the dress with black heels, a simple makeup and her long red hair in a sleek ponytail. Told you Charlie was the fashionable one.

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