Expecting You

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Outside felt solemn and dark. The morning dew was against the grass, and I rubbed my eyes in tired worry. The morning didn’t feel the same from all the others. The loud noise of the planes that took off made me shiver inside my own skin. The cold of the morning breeze was freezing. Yoongi looked at me with dark eyes and sighed.
Yoongi and I had made the decision to leave.
I wasn’t too happy with it, but all I wanted to do was make Yoongi happy, and make him fulfill his life with so many possibilities. I didn’t want him to be caught in sorrows of despair and depression because he couldn’t go back and fulfill his dreams. Of course I wanted him to feel better in many ways.
He looked at me with solemn eyes and faked a smile. I knew that he too didn’t want to leave.
“You better not lose me when we get inside that building.” He commanded in a jokingly way. I smiled at him slightly, and shook my head. “Don’t worry. I won’t lose you.”

He waved his hand at me for me to come over to him. I walked over with a couple bags and held his hand. We stepped into the tunnel that led to the entrance of the plane. We put our luggage on the top of the shelf when we entered and Yoongi and I took a seat.
He looked at me, and settled his hand on my knee. “I’m sorry that we’re going… I really didn’t want to either.” He stated worryingly. My eyes fell to my feet and I breathed. “It’s alright. All I want is for you to be happy. I don’t want you to ever feel sad.” I stated. It was the truth of course. I didn’t want him to ever feel sad, ever feel bad about anything. He shouldn’t ever feel like the whole world is against him. He was more than his fears and doubts, he was a successful man. Successful people deserve respect.
The plane came to a start and I rested my head on Yoongi’s shoulder. He moved a hand to mess with a strand of my hair. I smiled and closed my eyes. The darkness of my eyelids, and the relaxed breathing that came from him made me doze off. My thoughts were consumed with happiness, just a relaxed happy feeling.

(Yoongi’s POV)

I looked at the sky and a tear rolled down from my cheek. The cold wind gushed against my face, and my reddened cheeks were swollen and puffy.
“Why do you have to do this? I didn’t do anything… All I want is respect, you know?” I folded my hands together and took a seat on the wet, night time grass. The stars twinkled at my foolishness, I knew it. They laughed at my useless self. I knew that they hated my presence. I knew that they liked my doubt against myself.
“Help me please. I don’t like this.” I cried. I wiped my eyes and laid down on the grass, my head felt heavy and my eyes shut, only for me to find black.
Just black. Nothing bigger or brighter in life.
Just black.
(Flashback ends)


We got off the plane and walked over to Namjoon, who stood near the left side of the office area. Our luggage felt heavier than before because of us being so tired and lonesome. It had been about a couple days since we had left for America, and ending up here at the moment was a relief. So much stress was relieved off of our shoulders and we knew that.
People greeted each other and I saw a few loved ones hug each other and smile bright grins. Then again, I knew that we were just getting Yoongi a job. And might as well, face the fact that we would probably stay here forever.
“Ahhh. Y/N and Yoongi.” Namjoon shook both of our hands and smiled. Yoongi greeted Namjoon with a pat on the back while shaking his hand. “It’s been a while Yoongi. How have you been?” He questioned. Yoongi shook his head and laughed. I knew he was laughing at what he called his “stupidity”.
“Let’s not ask that.” He stated and shook his head again. I sighed and stared at him with sulky eyes. I knew that he didn’t need to talk about or want to. He was just so worried and fearful of his own self, or just what is to come. I felt my stomach grow a rumble, and my eyes narrowed. I was tired and hungry. My body needed energy at the moment, and if I wanted to keep going I’d have to eat something. “Can we get a bite? I’m starving.” I said humorously. Namjoon laughed and nodded. “Well of course.”


I froze at the sight of the building.
It stood there, unable for me to grasp the dazzling view. There was too much to take in. Just way too much to actually process. The windows that were connected to the building were naturally beautiful and clean. Everything seemed so perfect.
“Good evening.” I heard a voice say suddenly.
I turned around to see a person standing at the front of the sliding doors. The lady’s eyes had a bright and welcoming stare within them, and I knew her purpose was to lead us around the whole building. It was obvious. “I’m Carla. I will be your guide right now throughout this whole building.” She smiled at me. Then her head turned to Yoongi, and she became even more excited at this moment. “Min Yoongi. We are expecting you. Wow, you have grown up so much.” She stated excitedly and my eyes turned to Yoongi. He smiled a little at this, and crossed his arms over his chest. One hand rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, I guess I have.” He looked to his side and smiled bigger. The lady laughed and waved her hand at us to follow her. We stepped foot into the cold, air-conditioned hall. A gush of the air flushed over me and I ran a hand through my hair, struggling to keep it in place. I remembered this feeling, when the air-conditioning during the summer time would hit me in the face, and when I stepped inside of the building it’d be gone suddenly. Everything seemed so welcoming at the moment.
“This is the main entrance of course you know.” The lady pointed at the big area beside the entrance. “This is the break room. Just come here to relax or anything else you need to be able to take a break.” She stated in a calm tone, and I nodded along with Yoongi.

We strolled down to the room we both would be staying in, and she motioned for us to walk in when she had opened the door. “Here it is. Make yourself at home. Oh and, Y/N. Are you sure you’re okay sharing a room with Yoongi? There are plenty of other rooms.” She looked at me with a blank face and I laughed. “It’s okay.” I smiled. She nodded and shut the door lightly.
“Thank you…” I heard Yoongi say.
“About what? Why are you thanking me?” I asked. He looked at me and smiled and a little bit of his gummy smile showed. “You let me come here, and you tagged along, for that I thank you so much.” I walked over to him and hugged him tightly. He wrapped his arms around me and breathed in my hair. “I love you so much Y/N.” He stated, no question within his statement.
“I love you too Yoongi. So much…”

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