Ignoring Them (Zayn Malik)

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A/N Hi! So this is my first fanfic and its probably going to be really bad and I'm sorry! But I have some great ideas for this so I hope you can get through the first chapter which is probably going to be bad! On that note, enjoy!

"C'mon Kylee please come! For me?"

"Shannon how many times do I have to tell you; I don't care about what makes you beautiful or the story of your life, which in your case is having an obsession with that band! I'm not going to one of their ridiculous concerts with you!" I snapped at my best friend Shannon.

Don't get me wrong, I love my best friend, it's just that she never shuts up about that band I can't stand! I don't even wanna say the name. I just don't think it's healthy for a 16 year old girl to be so obsessed with boys she'll never have a chance with. I know that comes across rude, but it's the truth and I don't want her to be hurt the day she realizes it.

But I guess she's a normal teenager, since all of the girls in my grade only talk about one direction. They are so hard to avoid, but I think I've done a pretty good job blocking them out; since I don't know any of their names.

Shannon thinks I'm a freak for not liking them and says I'm "not a normal teenage girl". I mean, I guess I'm not if loving one direction makes you normal.

But let me introduce myself. I'm Kylee and I'm 18years old. I wouldn't consider myself fat but I don't think I'm skinny. I'm very short, 5'2 to be exact. I have long dirty blond hair and big bright blue eyes. I'm also the head captain of my high school cheerleading team. Even though most people think being head cheerleader means that you're the prettiest girl in school that every guy drools over and she is oh so popular, but actually it's quite the opposite for me.

I'm no where near the prettiest girl in school, I've never even had a real boyfriend! Sure, I've had things with guys before, but those never last. I wouldn't even know what to do if a guy kisses me.

And I'm not the most popular either. I have made some friends on my team who happen to be popular, but they aren't people who I can talk to about anything and they are definitely not going to let me into their group. I don't wanna be in their group though. I'm fine with only having Shannon. Even though she always talk about that foolish boy band; especially that one uhh Neil? Yeah that sounds right.

I can't seem to get away from One Direction, even the girls on my team constantly talk about them! Their good looks have fooled every teenage girl into buying their music, except me. Well, actually, there is this one girl on my team, Charlotte, but we call her Lottie; she is just like me, she doesn't care about One Direction. Maybe I should get to know Lottie a little bit better I thought to myself. Okay, I'll talk to Lottie tomorrow at practice I decided.

*the next day*

So, I barely got through another dreadful Monday of school and now it's time for practice. I was dragged down to the locker room to change into practice clothes by a group of my friends while the rest of the team stayed upstairs and changed in our disgusting school bathrooms to change. All of my "popular friends" we're gossiping about disgusting things some sluts at my school do with guys while I changed not paying attention. Then one of them put on music. Ugh. A stupid One Direction song I've been forced to listen to over and over again by Shannon.

I picked up my bags and told the girls we had to go upstairs to stretch before coach got there. I mainly said that just so the girls would turn their music off.

When we got upstairs everybody was dressed in their practice clothes standing around on their phones and talking. "OKAY GUYS CIRCLE UP!" I yelled at the team. They all got in a circle around me as I led stretches. We were done stretching and our coach still wasn't there. We aren't aloud to stunt or tumble without her there so I gave the team a 10 minute water break. I used this time to go and talk to Lottie.

"Hey Lottie!" I said cheerfully.

"Oh um hey Kylee!" She responded looking a bit confused, I don't typically talk to her because I'm two years older.

"I know we don't really talk all that much but I wanna get to know you, I feel like we have a lot in common, well I mean since we both hate One Direction." I said answering her confused expression.

"Oh my gosh! How did you know I didn't like them! I can't seem to get away from them!" She responded.

"I can tell my your facial expressions when everybody talks about them that you aren't particularly a fan."

"Kylee, I have a feeling we are going to be very good friends!" Lottie said with a smirk on her face.

We talked a little bit longer until coach got there and we could actually start practice. Lottie and I had made plans to hang out at my house this weekend and maybe go shopping to get to know each other better.

Lottie's P.O.V.

I was so thankful to become friends with Kylee. I finally found a girl who wasn't obsessed with my brother and his best mates. I was happy she didn't know who I was and wasn't just using me to get to my brother and his band mates. Don't get me wrong, I support my brother and all it's just annoying since every body talks about them. I just hope that Kylee won't be mad when she finds out that I am in fact, very involved with One Direction.

A/N- so that's the first chapter, I hope it wasn't too bad and you continue to read! Please vote and comment some criticism if ya want!

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