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Yoongi had woken up earlier than usual and stayed in his bed as he stared at the ceiling thinking about how upset Hoseok seemed at the restaurant, the way Hoseok pouted, winced, smilled and blushed. 

Yoongi got up after checking the time again, snapping out of his thoughts that gave him an odd feeling. He headed into the bathroom and showered, changing into a nice set of clothes that he over thought and caught himself caring too much for such a simple mater.

He walked into the kitchen to find his mom setting up the table.

"Need some help?"

"Sure. Can you finish setting the table?"

"No problem, mom."

"You look nice. Where are you going? On a date?"

"Thank you and no. I'm going out with a friend. He wants to get new clothes and I thought I might as well get myself something too."

"So like a date but just as friends."

"Sure mom. Whatever you say."

"Who's this friend?"

"A boy from school. Is dad here?"

"Yeah. He came back last night."

"I thought he wasn't coming back till later this afternoon."

"He finished early so he decided to come home early." She let out a huff of air as she noticed what her son was trying to do." Stop changing the subject."

"I didn't change it. I was simply asking a question that couldn't wait to be asked later." Yoongi's mother laughed as she heard her son's defense.

"Okay. Okay. I'm sorry sweety. What's his name?"

"Hoseok and he's a year younger than me. He's very kind and silly with a smile always plactered on his face. He has too much energy and can get annoying in a short span of time."

At least that's what I used to think.

"I actually saw him break down twice which was a total shock. I didn't think he would have something going on that he would cause him to break down."

I want to see more.

"I see. You seem to know him very well. The happiest are always the saddest. You should ask him about it and comfort him. He might need it more than you think."

"I'm not good at it but I'll try." Yoongi smiled at his mother who returned a smile.

"I'm hungry. Is the food ready?"

"Good morning to you too dad."

"Yeah just sit down. Guess what our Yoongi is doing today."


"He's going on a date with a boy from school." Yoongi stands behind his mother and mouths a 'no' while shaking his head.

"Is that so. It explains a lot. Good luck son. Go get 'em."

"Wow dad. You won't even take my side."

"I can't help it. Your mom controlles my life plus I've been with her for so long I've become a lot like her." Yoongi and his father laughed while Yoongi's mother gave them a glare and a 'hmpf' before they started to eat.

"What time is eat?"

"12:10. What time do you have to be there?"

"At 1. I'm gonna watch this for a bit longer."

"Where are you meeting?"

"The ice cream store that uncle Jeon owns." Yoongi's father nods his head with his mouth in an o shape. They sat sluggishly on the sofa, their heads rested on the back and their bodies sliding down very slowly. After a few minutes Yoongi decides it's a good time to leave.

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