May 2, 2017, 7:55PM

13 1 0

Okay, so I was put in chemistry this year (with a few other lucky sophomores) and I have no idea what to do in this unit. Currently we are working on conversations with balanced equations and moles, but I can't seem to get a grip and understand what is going on.
Lately I have LITERALLY only have done four things in the past two weeks: Work, school, homework and  church. It's a pattern and I need something to do. Teachers say that they don't want us to have homework outside of school, but they then assign us thirty questions (all with a-h) and long notes. They say that school isn't for sleeping, so does that mean home isn't for schoolwork?
No, I am not going on a homework boycott, but I think that they should tone it down a little. I need some quality me time, which is usually Netflix, because I only have like two people who would actually hang out with me...

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