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"Hi, sorry does Anslee live here"

"I live alone" Elizabeth crossed her arms over her chest, as she answered, "And I don't look like an Anslee"

"Shit, you're the fifth person I've visited" the guy replied, "I'm starting to think she gave me the wrong address"

"Jeez you don't say" she sarcastically spoke as he only gave her a wide smile, "I think I would have figured it out by the second place bud"

"Yeah, I should have listened to myself when I said that, but I hoped she was into me"

"The random guy who shows up at my doorstep talks to himself and hopes for empty crap" Elizabeth rolled her eyes at him, "What a normal day"

"Well aren't you the optimist"

"What can I say, I'm a ball of sunshine"

"Well hello ball of sunshine, I'm Shawn" he puts his arm out for Elizabeth to shake

She merely looks at it before slamming the door, but what she didn't notice was his hand getting crushed by it.

"Holy sh-"

"Are you stupid! Why would you put your hand there oh my god I hope I have frozen peas in the freezer, you are stupid why you just stuck your hand there like that, idiot, idiot, idiot"

Elizabeth pulled him inside her apartment, rambling as she ran to the freezer looking for something he can ice it with. After a bit of rummaging she found frozen carrots and jogged over to a smiling Shawn watching her in the frantic state.

"Its okay I'm first aid trained so I know what I'm doing" she took the first aid box from under a table and took his hand, "Okay sit down, now tell me where it hur-oh god it's all purple, I broke your hand I think"

"Did you? I can't feel anything" Shawn still smiles at Elizabeth, his hand outstretched in front of him.

"Oh god that's even worse! I'm gonna drive you to the hospital okay, cause there's no way I'm letting you drive with one hand" Elizabeth stands up, and grabs her wallet and room keys from a table, "You have a car right?"

Shawn nodded his head, still smiling at how this girl looked so different when she was taking charge, "First spot, it's a white Honda Civic"

"How basic" Elizabeth mumbled before, handing him the frozen carrots and leading him out the door, "Okay give me your keys"

"Yes ma'am" Shawn reached across to his left pocket and pulled out the single key to the rental car and handed it to Elizabeth who nearly tripped over a rock protruding from the sidewalk.

After opening the car door for Shawn who thanked her with a charming smile she swiftly ignored, she ran to the drivers side muttering a string of course words at how spoiled he was, and sat inside then started the car.

"Wait" Shawn called just as Elizabeth put her seatbelt on, "I need my seatbelt too"

"Well can't you do it yourself"

"Nobody can twist their arm like that" He knew he could, but to make Elizabeth uncomfortable he was thinking of any excuse to get her close to him. And to top it off, he even acted like he was failing at reaching over at the seatbelt for a solid minute.

"Okay okay! I get it, my god just stop trying already you look ridiculous" Taking off her seatbelt, she reached over Shawn's lap and took the seatbelt and crossed it over him, buckling it. "Okay drama queen anything else or can I go"

"You may go" Shawn grinned at her, as she rolled her eyes.

Five minutes into the road he started laughing, quietly at first but then louder which made Delilah look at him strangely.

"What the hell is wrong with you"

Shawn stopped laughing and looked at the side of her head, "I find it hilarious I'm in the car with a complete stranger who broke my hand, and doesn't know who I am" Then he started laughing again, rolling his head back against the seat of the car.

"I think you're in shock" Elizabeth rolled her eyes, but couldn't help but laugh softly omg with him. His laugh was ridiculously contagious. "Unless you're the king of England, you're just. Shawn to me, your highness"

"I met the king of England once" Shawn spoke, "Nice guy, him and his mum"

Elizabeth looked at him briefly before looking back at the road and started to go into a full out knee slapping laugh at the stoplight. Which made Shawn take a mental note that Elizabeth was the first person he's ever who actually laughed slapping their knee.

"You're funny Shawn almost got me"

Shawn looked at her puzzled and shook his head, deciding to not try and convince her of anything. Because it was the first time in forever he was finally being treated like something other than a famous person.

Elizabeth didn't know who he was. And he wanted it to stay that way.

"We have ten minutes left, turn the radio on" Elizabeth spoke up after a brief comfortable silence, "Or do you need me to do that to, your majesty"

"Looks whose being dramatic now, I can do it" Shawn flipped through channels not hearing anything worth listening too, and Elizabeth mentally thanked Shawn for not choosing any stupid songs until he stopped on a single radio station about to finish an ad break.

Elizabeth asked Shawn how his hand felt, and he lied saying he couldn't feel it. But he could, and it was starting to throb slowly, and give a sharp pain  at every bump.

"This is Stitches, requested by Katherine, make sure you send any song recommendations to 44567"

Elizabeth let out a laugh, "Who the hell names a song Stitches"

"I'm guessing a pretty talented person" Shawn answers and taps along to his own song. Halfway through he looks up and sees Elizabeth also tapping her fingers on the steering wheel, and bobbing her head to the beat. "Look who likes it"

"Its nice, really catchy" Elizabeth hums along and Shawn can't help but smile at her.

Elizabeth isn't an idiot and noticed, deciding that Shawn the stranger is just a really smiley person.

Once they got the hospital, Elizabeth parked in front of the emergency building, and pushed Shawn's seat belt button and got out of the door. She ran to Shawn's side and helped him open the door, only to open it to a laughing Shawn once again.

"My God what now"

"You're still wearing your robe" Shawn gets put in between laughs and Elizabeth looks down, to see that she really is still in her robe and her spongebob pajamas underneath.

"And you're still annoying as ever"

"You wish Elizabeth"


Yay! I'm so excited for this, it's gonna be a short story type of deal with maybe 12-15 chapters

And I also have other books I'm putting more attention in at the moment so updates may be slow.

Thank you for reading xx


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