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Elizabeth was now changed into some scrubs and wore her robe over it, completely mortified at the fact she heard the nurses giggling while she went to go out them on.

"I thought nurses were supposed to be all old and nice, those girls were freaking models on steroids" Elizabeth grumbled at Shawn as she walked into his room, "It's like the trashier version of Mean Girls 2"

"That was a pretty bad movie I'll agree" Shawn grinned at her, "I can leave whenever you're ready"

"Right okay, let me get your things together" Elizabeth went to Shawn's side, and took his jacket, before Shawn snatched it out of her hands. She gave him a puzzled look, rolling her eyes, "Okay? Well I saw a vending machine want anything?"

"I'm good"

Elizabeth didn't even respond before she went back out the door to get herself a Twix and Shawn a Hersey's bar even though he said no.

"-I know you told me not to get you anything but I couldn't help my-well hello" Elizabeth looked up from putting her excess change away to see Shawn and one of perfect nurses flirting with one another. "Okay yeah I'll wait outside bye"

"Wait Elizabeth!" But Shawn was too late, and Elizabeth had already walked out the door, feeling herself become unintentionally upset.

That's the thing though, she didn't exactly know why she felt like something was getting torn away from her. It was all just a confusing mess for her and Elizabeth hated it.

She stomped all the way to the elevators, telling the nurse station to let him out whenever he's done to meet her outside.

Grumbling about how ungrateful he was Elizabeth sat munching into her Twix after every few curse words.

"I barely know him and he's already taking advantage of me, the nerve. It's not like I have all the time in the world, well I do but he's a stupid idiot whose stupid stupid brain is stupid and stupid"

"Wow what a great vocabulary you've got there"

She glanced up and mumbled a shut up as she sat slouching against the bench. "That's because you are stupid"

Shawn looked down at her before sitting at the opposite end of the bench, "Well hi"

Elizabeth glanced over at him, and saw the cutest slanted grin on his face and felt herself melting like ice under his sun-like gaze. "No, no no no you will not do whatever the hell that was"

"What's that?" He asked her with the grin on his face deepening, making a dimple show more prominent.

"That! Stop doing that, it's not gonna work okay"

He gave her a full blown smile this time making her turn away from he blush that crept up her face and butterflies fluttered in the pit of her stomach, "I don't know what you're talking about Bee"

She let a few seconds go by, composing herself and stood up and turned back at him, hearing her scrubs crinkle as they rubbed against each other. "We should probably go, it's almost nine"

"I'm starving, take me to a McDs or somewhere fast foody" and as those words left his mouth, Elizabeth found herself about to snap, and all feelings of butterflies and weirdness left as she rolled her eyes and unlocked her car.

"Sure your highness anything else?"

"Maybe you can let me play my playlist in the car, yours kind of sucked" Shawn spoke as he opened the car door, making Elizabeth stop in her tracks holding open the door halfway and looking across at him from over the roof of the car.

"Excuse you! I love The Jonas Brothers!" Elizabeth shook her head at him as he shrugged and sat in the passenger seat. She grumbled to herself quietly before she too went inside and turned on the car. "Wear your seatbelt"

"Elizabeth just because I have a cast doesn't mean my hand is perfect again, you need to help me" Shawn stated in a matter-o-fact tone and Elizabeth once again groaned for the tenth time that night, "You know the amount of times you groan isn't healthy, do you get enough action in your life or do you need me to recommend you to a few men or women who knows what you-"

Elizabeth cut him short by slapping her hand over his mouth, shutting him up, "Shut the hell up holy god"

"Well aren't you a bit kinky" Shawn mumbled in between her fingers, making her face grow red once again, but because she realized how close she actually was to his face. She instantly sprang apart from him and lifted her hand off of his mouth. "Your hand smells like chocolate" he took his seatbelt by his left hand and swung it over towards Elizabeth.

"Yours would too if you weren't flirting with the nurses" She took the seatbelt out of his left hand and gently clicked it into place before doing the same with her own.

"I wasn't flirting, they just were worried about my well being"

"Yeah okay so touching your arm and standing really really close too you is helping your health got it" Elizabeth rolled her eyes, and backed out of the car lot, feeling Shawn's eyes on her. "Take a picture it'll last longer"

She heard a click and saw Shawn holding his phone at her, taking a picture of her. "What why did you do that"

"I wanted it too last longer"


IM SOOOOO SORRY I WAS GONE, I saw Shawn yesterday live and got super inspired, he was amazing and he blushed in there's nothing holding me back in the beginning when it's like "just picture everybody naked" like it was the cutest thing he didn't even say it. 

Love our muffin boy.

Anyway thanks for reading!

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