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As I sat in bed small tears gathered in the corners of my eyes. I laid on my bed and could not start to think about why I was constantly attacked by this malicious asshole. I sat there wondering if it was because of how I looked or how I acted and I concluded that was it. Since I couldnt think of any possible way to actually Change the entire molecular structure of my body I decided to shower. I grabbed my t-shirt and some underwear and headed to the bathroom. I got in the shower pretty late into the night, but that didn't stop me from attempting to sing. I might have sounded like a dead howling cat but at least my heart was at peace for a bit. Since my parents were out of town this weekend for an anniversary getaway I wasn't worried about them judging me too. I got out around 11 and headed back to my room. I sat in my cold dank room admiring my things. One of my favorite things was a 5 foot Japanese fan. It had no real purpose except as I held it i felt powerful for once and I liked it. I got on my phone and started playing some games and I put on a television show In the background just for excess noise. I turned on my automated fan and turned off the light. Knowing my horrendous sleep schedule I knew i would probably be up until like 3 or 4 am so I decided why not read for a little bit. I picked up my book and continued from where I left off. About 15 minutes into reading and around 12am I heard a light tapping on my window. Because I am an actual child I grabbed my blanket and hid as if that was going to help if a murderer would get in my room somehow. Deciding that I wasn't going to be a pussy and that a blanket couldnt save me anyways I went to the window. I looked out and recognized a familiar shadow. I cracked the window and wad only greeted with the overwhelming smell of jumbos fried shrimp.

Knowing immediately it was Alex I slammed open my window ushering for him to enter my room to get the food. I only just realized that I didnt get to eat. I asked Alex "what are you doing here?" As I did this a lock of my hair fell into my face. He said, "I just brought you food because you didn't get too eat earlier because of what happened. I got your favorite from jumbos good things its also a bar and it stays open till 2 am" he laughed after this and I stood there in shock wondering how to approach this situation. "Okay thanks" I smiled and looked at the food waiting for him to hand it over. "Here ya go" he held out the food to me appearing as if he wanted to say something. Not hesitating I grabbed my food and sat on my bed I scooted over allowing Alex to sit down as well. I ripped open the shrimp like a barbarian not caring that it was only lukewarm I dunked my fried shrimp into my cocktail sauce and started to have my own little feast, I had almost forgotten about Alex. I looked up and asked him "hey you want some?" He looked over and said "nah I'm more of a lobster guy" he seemed disheartened for a second and then he continued to speak " um Dan are you Okay? I know I'm not the bestest friend and I should have stood up for you today ,but I was worried about you and I wanted to make sure you were okay before I dealt with those assholes." I giggled a bit. Hearing his tone I could tell he was being sincere and it made me laugh to think about how much it bothered him. "Alex its fine, pricks like that dont bother me anymore. They can say whatever they want because in the end I know I'll always have myself and the few I've chosen as my friends." I was lying, I cared but I wanted to make him feel better because I could clearly tell how distraught he was. I looked at him and he seemed confused. At this point I was trying to pay attention to him bit I was engulfed in the crispy crust of my shrimp. I went to go shove one in my mouth and spilled some sauce on my shirt. I finished my food and then stood up.

I walked over to my closet and searched for another large T-shirt. I struggled to rip it off the hanger but once I did I set it on my dresser. I quickly ripped off my shirt and tossed it into the hamper in the corner. For me this wasn't that weird because even though Alex was there I wasn't worried about him judging me. I wasn't going to be ashamed of my own body in my own room. I slid on my other shirt and stood in the middle of my room looking at Alex. His sandy hair looking unfluffed and slightly matted, and His deep brown eyes dancing with the reflection of my television. I briskly walked towards my bed realizing that I was still only wearing underwear on my lower half. I slinked into my bed and attempted to grab my blanket which was difficult because of Alex's ass. I wondered why he was even still here, and I had finally realized.

Alex had his own fair share of issues. The biggest one he had was his father. His father is an alcoholic and on occasion a raging drunk. He has a very hard time opening up about this too anyone, but I have known for a long time. His father has Fridays off from work and he usually spends the whole day in the bar and then arrives home and passes out, or gets home and starts talking about random times and events of his life, but unfortunately sometimes it doesnt work out that way. Some days Alex's dad will come home and physically hurt him. Alex doesn't want to hurt his father or have to use physical force to stop him so Alex usually comes here for the night. Alex hasn't done this for a while, but tonight I guess he will have too. Alex's mom passed away when she was giving birth to him and he doesn't have any way of hearing of her other than through the slurred unintelligible muttering of his father on some nights. This causes Alex to feel lost sometimes and I personally don't know how to help him, other than to be there for him no matter what, and tonight was no exception.

After just picking up on the signs I said "Alex it's fine you're always welcome here. Do you want anything to drink? I think I have some of your favorite, half and half!" He looked over knowing that I wouldn't have taken no for an answer and said "I would love some". I replied with "Okay well I'll be right back. Feel free to steal some clothes for the night while im gone". I waltzed my way into the kitchen and opened my fridge I pulled out some of my own mix of tea and lemonade and poured him some. Before I returned to my room I ran up stairs and grabbed a few pillows and some blankets and ran down too the kitchen where I made a cirque du soleil worthy balancing act carrying what was a SHIT ton of stuff back too my room. I entered and set down the cup and proceeded to throw all of the blankets on the floor. I looked over at Alex now wearing one of my smaller shirts which seemed large on his body. I smiled and asked "what do ya wanna do?" He looked up at me from the floor where he was now making a little bed out of the excess linens I brought down. He replied with "I don't really know. What were you doing before?" I anxiously looked around wondering how he would respond to what I was doing "I was reading my book" he looked at me and said one simple word "NERD". We both burst out into a cacophony of laughs and I suggested we should play a game. Around 2 am we both started to yawn and I began to turn off my game system. I awoke the next morning in my bed looking down to Alex curled up in a ball in his little bed made of my excess linens.

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