The morning after.

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As I saw the sun creep up through my window I sat up. I yawned obnoxiously not caring if I woke my sleeping guest. I looked around my room which was now fabulously lit by the oncoming sunrise. I looked down at Alex my large shirt engulfing his body yet part of it was up exposing his abdomen. I peeked down at him and his abs and awkwardly shuffled in bed. I stood up and went to the kitchen. On the way there I passed a mirror and freaked out, I thought I saw a dirty cave troll. I looked and my hair was poking up in all ways and my shirt haphazardly on my body I quickly fixed my hair and adjusted my shirt and walked into the kitchen. I decided I would make breakfast. I pulled out some pans and a tray and began the rigorous process of cooking. After what seemed like forever, but it was only about 30 mins I had a good array of steamy breakfast foods. I grabbed a plate and loaded it up and brought food to my room. "YOOOO ALEXX WAKE THE FUCK UP I GOT FOOD HERE" Alex just groaned and sat up I set food down on the floor and then I turned on the television. Alex says "this is pretty good dude." He looked very pleased with my cooking. "Having a professional chef for a mother has its perks" I replied with "did you expect it not to taste good" I looked over and realized he was looking at me funny. "I didn't mean it like that dude. Don't put words in my mouth" he finished his food. "Hey Dan I have to go ... I made plans with Melissa for today around 9 seeing as its about 7:45 I should start getting ready" Alex said. I got up and grabbed his plate "feel free to hop in the shower Alex I don't have any extra clothes that will fit you well but you can check I guess. If you can't find anything you'll just have to wear your stuff from yesterday." I walked into the kitchen and started doing dishes. About 20 mins later I was just sitting in the living room when Alex started walking in. "Hey Dan I'm going to head out thanks for everything. I owe you one" he ran over and hugged me tight and he squeezed really hard. I just hugged back. He then exited my house and I was Alone.

I Jumped into the shower excited to start my day. I began to wash my hair and well it was no different than any other day. I got out of the shower and walked into my room. "what should i wear?" i searched through the dozens of clothing items in my closet and I found the perfect thing. I pulled out a very tight shirt, I bought this puke green shirt about 3 years ago when I was really into video games. This shirt has the logo from one of my favorite games on it. I slid on the shirt and I knew immediately it wasn't a good look. It was tight and uncomfortable and it fit in all the wrong places, and I couldn't have been happier. since no one would be around for the weekend I figured now would be the only chance for a while that I will be able to wear it. I sat in my bed and rolled up in my blankets and started to read my book again. I drifted off at some point and I woke up to 3 Messages. the first one read "Nice job having your boyfriend protect you at the restaurant good thing he wont always be around ahhahah Cya later looser" it was from god damn Randy. At the finish of this text I became surprisingly angry, my fists balled and my eyes welled up. The Next two messages read " Hey Dan! I hope this isn't creepy or anything but I got your number from Alex and he said I should text you. Anyways I just wanted to say sorry about the whole thing at the restaurant and I would love to make it up to you. How about a Date tonight! I know it's super impersonal to ask over text but I wanted to give you ample time to answer and I can't call right now. Anyways yea... if you wanna go just let me know and I'll pick you up at 8!" "P.S. This is Tyler"

What the fuck did i just read. This is a joke this can't be happening. I became a bright crimson. All of the freckles on my face stood clear as day. I texted back "how do I know this isn't just a prank? How can I tell if it's really you?" I set my phone down and grabbed my book. I read but everytime I read a sentence I forgot what it was about. My mind was racing, and I couldnt grasp reality. I was imagining what might happen. I can imagine walking into school holding his hand. The looks I would get. This isn't possible I'm so weird and I just dont get it. *BING* I checked my phone sure enough it was him. "Don't worry it's actually me. You just seem so interesting I can't hide my feelings anymore. Also to prove its me ask for a picture with a specific pose and I'll do it". WHAT THE POOP. Why me. I responded "okay send me a pic with a goofy face and you holding up 3 fingers" gosh why am I doing this. In my anxiety I started cleaning my room. I hastily picked up the old pile of blankets and threw them in the hamper I checked under my bed and pulled out all of the old shirts and shorts I had stuffed down there. I couldn't believe the amount of crap I had under there. As soon as I forgot about my phone *BING*... I was overcome with the intense feeling of worry. I grabbed my phone and opened it. There it was a picture of him. Of course it wasn't just any picture. First the picture was taken at a slight down angle and he was looking down crossing his eyes. Then his lips were puckered like a fish as i continued down the picture I saw his abs glistening towards the bottom he was holding up 3 fingers. The message that followed goes "sorry about the partial nudity! I'm just at football practice and well yea." I squealed then replied with "yes I'll go. I'll see you at 8".

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