|Morning Cuddles|

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*For MiahHemmings*

*For MiahHemmings*

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Writing Prompts:

1 - "Your hair is so soft..."
2 - "It's too cold! Come back!"
3 - "No, I'm not letting you go. It's too early to get out of bed."
17 - "Your lips are so soft. I could kiss them all day."
20 - "You're so cute when you're half asleep like this..."

Y/N awoke to the soothing feeling of fingers running through her hair, humming softly as she pried open her tired eyes. She smiled brightly when she saw the familiar bright blue eyes of her boyfriend looking back at her, leaning slowly into his touch.

"Good morning," She hummed, closing her eyes. Liam smiled.

"Morning." He murmured huskily as he let his hand glide through her thick locks. "Your hair is so soft."

Y/N hummed, basking in the feeling as goosebumps ran up and down her arms. "That feels really good." She said, snuggling up to him and burying her face into his shirt.

Liam wrapped his free arm around her tight, planting a kiss to the top of her head. "Mm, I wish we could stay here all day."

"Why can't we?" Y/N whined, making the boy laugh softly.

"Well, there's this place called school that we have to be at in an hour and a half, so that might have something to do with it." He teased.

"Exactly. An hour and a half, which means we have another half hour to sleep." Y/N said sleepily, looking up at him and cupping his cheek.

Liam chuckled, rubbing a gentle hand up and down her arm. "You're so cute when you're half asleep like this." He murmured.

"No, I'm totally awake." Y/N said, letting her hand fall to his shoulder as she pressed herself further against his chest.

Liam laughed gently, wrapping his arms around her tight. "Clearly."

Y/N looked up and pressed her lips to his, reaching up to wind her arms tight around his neck. Liam hummed, gladly reciprocating as he kissed her slowly, his hands resting at the small of her back.

"Your lips are so soft." Y/N whispered against his mouth. "I could kiss them all day."

Liam grinned. "I have no objections to that." He murmured, brushing her hair gently behind her ears. He looked over at the clock and sighed. "We need to get up. Can't be late." He said, pecking her lips once more before attempting to pull out of her embrace.

Y/N whined playfully and tightened her grip, snuggling her head into his shoulder. "No, I'm not letting you go. It's too early to get out of bed."

Liam rolled his blue eyes, gently tickling his girlfriend's ribs, to which she squealed with laughter and moved her hands to guard her sensitive spots.

"Gotcha," Liam grinned with triumph as he stood beside the bed, folding his arms over his chest.

"It's too cold! Come back!" Y/N said, reaching her arms out for her boyfriend.

Liam took her hands in both of his and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. "If you're up and dressed by the time I get out the shower I will spoon you for five more minutes." He winked before disappearing into the bathroom and shutting the door behind him.

Y/N rolled her eyes, smiling fondly. "Love you too, Dunbar."

A/N- Hope you enjoyed!! Love you guys!! <3 ~Hayden

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