|The Well|

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Sciam one shot

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Sciam one shot

Liam struggled to keep his grip on the slippery rocks lining the inside of the well, his fingers sliding all around as he pushed himself up. Small grunts of effort left his mouth with each push and pull, his mind racing.

He gasped when one of his hands slipped from the rock it was gripping, his other hand still hanging on tightly. Not for long, though. He tried to reach the other rock once more with his dangling hand but to no avail, his body wouldn't allow it.

He could feel his fingers slowly slipping from the wall, and he felt his eyes brim with fearful tears. He was going to die.

He gritted his teeth as he slowly watched his fingers release the wall, yelling out as he awaited to feeling of the free fall, and then the bottom of the well, where he would surely break his neck. But it never came.

Instead a muscular, tan arm reached out and grabbed his own, and he looked up to see Scott pulling him up and out of the cold, stone well. When he was finally sitting on the edge of the well again he gasped, gripping Scott's shirt tightly in his fists.

"You're okay, Liam.." Scott whispered, tenderly cupping one side of the younger's head. Liam could only nod as he felt himself being pulled into Scott's warm embrace, quickly stuffing his head into the comfort of his alpha's shoulder. "You're okay."

Liam grasped Scott tightly as his body trembled with fear, his eyes still seeing the water down below him and his fingers slipping from the stones. He hated himself for the soft sob that left his throat, which quickly turned into two, then three, and so on. Scott pulled the sobbing boy into his lap and gently rocked him back and forth, cradling his head gently against his chest.

"Shh, I'm here, you're safe. You're safe now, buddy." He murmured, rubbing a gentle hand up and down his back. Liam could only hiccup into his sweater, gripping the fabric of it tightly in his fingers.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I tried, but I-I couldn't, I just-" Liam sobbed into the older boy's chest, not knowing what to do with himself. "Alpha." He whimpered, hiccuping softly against his shoulder.

"Shh, you don't have to talk.." Scott whispered, pressing his lips against his temple. "I'm here, bud. I promise I won't let anything hurt you." He whispered, raking a gentle hand through the younger's hair. Liam's arms draped around his neck, trying to stay as close to his alpha as possible. Once he was finally calmed down, Scott dipped his head to press a soft kiss to his forehead. He smiled.

"Better, pup?" He murmured, to which Liam nodded quietly.

"I'm sorry.." He whispered. Scott squeezed him a little closer; nuzzling his nose into his beta's hair.

"Don't be sorry. I'll always be here for you, okay?"

Liam smiled. "Okay."

A/N- I'm obsessed omg 😂 Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget requests are open!!

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