Chapter Twenty-Five

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Maisy's POV


"Maisy! There's somebody at the door for you!" My dad yells for me. Groggily, I sit up and walk downstairs, almost falling a few times.

"Maisy!" I'm engulfed in hugs and start to loose my breath. And of course, I don't have my oxygen tank on.

"Stop." I barely breath out and they immediately pull away. In front of me is Jc, Sam and Kian.

"When did you move to California?" Jc asks.

"Yesterday . . . how did you guys find out?" I ask them.

"Trevor texted us last night." Sam answers me.

"May I ask why you're on my doorstep at 9 am?"

"Oh. We were excited to see you." Kian responds.

"Aw. Okay. Come upstairs to my room." They follow me upstairs and sit on the floor.

"I'll be right back, I'm gonna change." I change into a pair of sweats, a loose pink top, and fuzzy socks. I pull my hair into a messy bun and put on my glasses.

"I didn't know you wore glasses." Sam tells me.

"Many people don't. What do you guys wanna do?" I ask them. They all shrug.

"Do you guys wanna play Wii?" I suggest and Kian and Jc look at each other.

"What kind of question? Of course I want to play. I can beat Kian's sorry little-" I cut Jc off with a clap of my hands.

"Okay then! The Wii's downstairs." They follow me into the family room and sit on the couch.

"Are you sure you guys still want to do this? How about we go sight seeing?" I offer.

"You're a genius! Besides, I don't want to watch them yell at each other." Sam laughs.

"Then it's settled. Come on guys!" I slide on my black vans and we're on our way.

"Maisy! Your oxygen tank." Kian reminds me.

"I think I'll be alright." I tell him.

"Okay . . . " He trails off, unsure if I really will be alright. We hop in Jc's car and he drives downtown.

"Can we go to the walk of fame first?" I ask them.

"Sure boo." Jc answers me.

Jc parks the car and we all get out. Sam wraps his arm around my shoulder for support and we start walking.

"Oh my god! Marilyn Monroe's star. Get a picture with me next to it!" I kneel down with Kian and Jc snaps a picture.

We visit a few more stars when I stop for a break.

"Are you sure you're alright? We'll be out all day." Kian says.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I promise." I start to walk but fall over.

"Maisy!" Jc rushes and picks me up.

"You're gonna hurt yourself." He tells me.

"I said I could do it!" I protest.

"Maisy, we can't just let you push yourself around like this." Sam says. For no reason I start crying.

"I'm a fucking worthless piece of shit! I can't walk five feet without being out of breath! I'm worse than a ninety year old woman with asthma!" I shout.

"Hey hey hey shhh calm down." Jc says to me.

"No! I will not calm down! I'm a fucking cancer patient who has a fifty/fifty chance of living! If that were you what would you do?!" I scream. I have no idea what is going on right now.

"Maisy! Calm down. You're just overwhelmed." Sam tells me.

"Just leave me alone to die! It's gonna happen sooner or later, right?!" Before I could say anything else, I blacked out.

Where the heck am I? White walls, the smell of death . . . a hospital. I take a look around and notice an IV in my arm and all of the boys waiting in the room.

"What am I doing in here?" I ask them. They're heads all snap towards me and rush over.

"Oh thank god. You're alright." Connor says.

"Why am I in here?" I repeat my question since nobody bothered to answer.

"Well, multiple different reasons. Heat, exhaustion, dehydration. The list goes on." Ricky tells me.

"So why did I faint? Or black out?" I ask.

"Your blood pressure dropped a ton." Kian says.

"But why did I freak out and swear a ton?" I question them.

"We have no idea. You were pretty pissed, though." Sam says.

"The doctors think that the state you were in made you think low of yourself. It makes no sense, but that's what they think." Ricky says.

"When can I get out of here? I don't want to be in a hospital for as long as possible." I tell them.

"In a few minutes. Promise." The doctor walks in and they disperse around the room.

"Are any of you family?" The boys all look around at each other and a Trevor speaks up.

"I'm her boyfriend." He tells the doctor. Whoa. Okay then.

"Very well. Everyone else must leave. I have to talk to Ms. Evans." The boys, excluding Trevor, leave the room and the doctor sits in the chair next to my bed. Trevor sits on the hospital bed and holds my hand, caressing my knuckles with his thumb.

"Well, there's good news and there's bad news." The doctor starts off.

"The good news is that you can leave today whenever you're ready. But on the downside, you mustn't leave your house for the next couple of days. I'm prescribing you to strict bed rest, anti depressants and pain killers. The anti depressants are for your mood swings, which you will be getting as a side effect from the medicine we injected into your system."

"You will be getting severe headaches and cramps the next couple of days as well. And sorry to say, since it's your menstrual cycle right now, your cramps will be almost unbearable." Trevor looks over at me and I can feel the heat rushing to my face. Really doctor, really? Ugh. Now he's gonna think I'm just some raging biotch.

"Also I'm suggesting that you always have someone with you at all times. The anti depressants also cause suicidal thoughts, so please, be very careful. Any questions?" The doctor finishes off.

"Great. And young man, take care of her. She's worth it." The doctor tells Trevor and we both blush.

"Let's get you out of that gown, shall we?" I nod and start to stand up when I realize something.

"I forgot hospital gowns has the butts cut out." I tell him.

"I'll turn around and close my eyes. Promise." He turns around and clamps his eyes shut.

I quickly change and hold onto his shoulders for support.

"No shoes?" I ask and he shrugs.

"Sorry, I was in a rush." He apologizes.

"That's perfectly fine." I respond.

"Here, I'll carry you." I lift my arms and he carries me like a sloth all the way to Ricky's cramped Kia Soul.

"Ready to go home?" Sam asks and I make an incoherent noise.

"I'll take that as a yes."

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