Chapter 2

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Kaylee began her trudge through the rain, clutching her box of work possessions under her coat in an attempt to keep the contents dry. Her eyes squinted in vain, trying to see down the road to find her car. The bakery didnt have a parking lot so all the employees had to park in the road.

Well thats one thing I'm not going to miss. She thought bitterly, rolling her eyes. finally she could see the used beat up Ford truck. The old red paint was pealling and the metal was completely rusted through in some places but she loved the old junker, absolutely refused to part with it. Even at the insistance of her friends and family.

It was the vehicle that had taken her places. Its interior has withstood years of use and abuse from road trips to left over fast food thrown onto the next seat over. There was still a stain on the back of the seat from where her ex boyfriend Scott had scared her so bad she flung her slushy over her shoulder in the panic.

Kaylee juggled the box in her hands while fishing in her coat pockets for her keys, swearing as they fell to the ground into a puddle. As she leaned over a quick hand had already grabbed the keys and was opening the door. Her eyes flicked up and her lips pursed in annoyance as she saw her two best friends smiling and piling into her car.

"Guys, what are you doing? Your shifts don't end for another two hours." she sighed, placing the box into the back seat and looking at the two of them. Andy was just sitting there with a little grin on his face. He seemed to always be smiling, thats what gave him his boyish charm. That and his hair had the cutest little curl to it. Without those he would come off to be just a big intimidating guy.

There was nothing small about him. He was all muscle and bulk, his darker skin just added to the masculinity. Kaylee remembered when she first met him how she developed an instant attraction, only to be crushed when she had been informed he was 100% gay.

The informor happened to be the other soaking wet person sitting in her Ford. Ivy had to be one of the cutest girls Kaylee had ever met, making her think she would be stuck up and completely full of herself. She had found herself eating that thought when the smaller girl opened her mouth.

Ivy's first words weren't ones of welcome or of scorn. They were "You're knew here and I like you. Lets get along, ok?" and her bubbly personality won Kaylee over right away. Although Kaylee was still jealous of her tiny frame, pixie like features, and completely natural flaming red hair. All three of them were inseperable.

"Well my little Kaylee-Kinz, we quit!!" Andy giggled, clapping his large hands together like someone just invited him to a birthday party. Ivy nodded with a small smile, she seemed a little less then pleased but not regretfull. "You what? No, no freaking way guys. Go right back in there and get your jobs back!" Kaylee exclaimed, her jaw dropping with shock.

That was their lively hood, and they just up and threw it away for her. "No way Kayls, we hated that place anyway. That Mr.Elger guy always seemed to have the biggest stick up his butt. It messed with my concentration." Ivy added.

Kaylee groaned, leaning her head against the stearing wheel in defeat. She heard her friends snicker and high five each other when her giving in had become blantantly obvious. "Fine but now what are we going to do?" She whimpered, her hands gripping her knees as the thought of being jobless finally sunk in. How would she pay for rent? Food even? How would any of them?

Suddenly she felt a hand rubbing her back and another patting her head. "Don't worry hun, we'll figure things out. Won't we Ivy?" Andy cooed. "Absolutely. Everything will be just dandy, dont worry about a thing." Ivy reasurred her. "Now lets get this junker rolling to my place, this day is making out to be in need of some ice cream and movies!" Andy exclaimed, buckling himself into his seat and motioning for the girls to follow suit.

Kaylee shook her head but couldnt help but smile. Her friends really did know when she needed a little cheering up. The drive to Andy's place was a short one filled with the sounds of him and Ivy singing to a mash up of Katy Perry and Lady GaGa. A mix Andy never goes anywhere without.

When they got to his place they all piled out and raced for the steps, Kaylee as always lost. "You two....really need to.....take it easy!" she panted, putting one hand on her thigh and another on the wall for support. Andy just shook his head and laughed.

"You need to join a gym hun, that was only 3 flights of stairs!" he exclaimed as he walked into his apartment, he wasnt even slightly winded. Ivy followed him in, giggling all the way. Kaylee caught her breath and walked in, pouting.

Ivy laughed at Kaylee's face as she fell back onto the couch. "Girl, you really need to start working out. It's not healthy to be that out of shape." She said seriously, her face grim. Kaylee looked down at herself with a frown. She did have a bakers pudge, but nothing too extreme.

Although she did get winded pretty easily....maybe they weren't totally off the mark in wanting her to be healthier. "I guess you guys are right, plus it'll be a good way to keep my mind off things I guess." She mumbled, her mood slowly getting worse. It had been one hell of a day and the realization that she was so out of shape was not helping her.

"Guess who has mint double chocolate chip ice cream?" Andy sang, bringing out 3 giant bowls of ice cream. Kaylee shook her head, passing on the food. They just got done telling her how she needed to lose weight and now they were trying to give her pity food? No way.

"No, I'm going to whip myself into shape. Andy, I've decided I'm going to join a gym. Not only that, I'm going to prove to Mr.Jealousy that he made the worst mistake of his career firing me." She smirked as a plan quickly formed in her head. Her friends exchanged a worried but curious glance. "What are you going to do Kayls?" Andy asked, his head tilting to the side in confusion.

"We are going to run our own bakery!" Kaylee exclaimed, a smile spreading across her lips as the excitement set into her bones. Right as she thought of it she loved the idea, it was always her dream to own a bakery, she just settled on being an underling at a high end shop instead.

"We? Kaylee, how are we going to do that? We don't know a thing about creating a business." Andy tried to reason with her, although the idea did have a nice ring to it. "There are people for that, lets do it!" Ivy grinned, jumping on board right away.

Kaylee jumped up and began pacing on Andy's tan carpet. "Alright, so we will need to pool our money together and get someone to help us start up. This is so great!" She giggled, clapping her hands. Andy still felt a bit weary, looking around his apartment. Nothing screamed money, from the egg shell white walls to the brown couches even his tv was a old clunky thing in the middle of the room.

Everything in the kitchen was either hand me downs or thrift store items. His bedroom and bathrooms were painfully bare. If he could barely afford what he had, how could he help support a business on top of that. "Ah...Kaylee.... we have a bit of a financial issue. Even all together we won't have enough money to buy even a small building let alone any space big enough to hold a full bakery. Plus supplies." He wrung his hands in nervousness, putting the bowls of ice cream on the small table by the window.

"Oh...." Kaylee muttered, glancing at Ivy who was also deep in thought. Suddenly the smaller girl jumped up. "I've got it!" She exclaimed, standing by Kaylee she explained herself. "Theres a guy whose a friend of the family, his son is some hot shot investor from New York. Maybe he can do us a favor and give us the kick start we need to start up!" Her voice going high in excitement. "Why would a hot shot from New York come to Minneapolis, Minnesota?" Kaylee asked, her voice full of wariness.

"I have enough dirt on him from our childhood to make even a pig cringe at the filth." Ivy's smile turned evil as she recalled all the years they spent together at her granpa's cabin playing in mud piles and in the woods. Kaylee and Andy both smiled at their friends little dark side, knowing it would come in handy. Andy slowly stood up and brought the phone over to Ivy.

"Well what are you waiting for? Call the mans father!"

**So heres chapter 2! I made sure to make it longer then the first, I hope you like it! I would love some friendly criticism and advice! If you liked it please comment and press the little vote button!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2014 ⏰

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