Chapter 1

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          "How do I look?" I bite my bottom lip, my body filled with the anxiousness of getting a good response. I slowly turned around to look at my cousin who was sitting on the edge of my Queen-sized bed.

          Erica stays silent with a finger under his chin as he just looks me up and down. His eyes were narrowed in slits as he took my outfit in. I was nervous because Erica was really blunt and if you didn't look good, then he would let you know. Not only was he too honest—this was the fashion police. Or better yet the damn fashion lieutenant. He pulls his head back a little bit with a slight scowl on his face making me frown, but all of a sudden leans forward again and smiles, nodding his head up and down in approval.

          "Yaas, honey chile yaas! Girl if we both ain't like dick and you weren't my cousin, I would be all over you like a hood rat waiting for her government check!"

          A big Cheshire cat smile crosses my face along with a sigh of relief. I run my sweaty palms against the sides of my legs and turn back toward my vanity mirror. I was thankful I looked good because honestly, I thought I was about to get roasted. Erica would not only hurt your feelings, but he'd make you cry. The kind of cry that would make you feel like you're favorite aunt—the one who always had a gift or some money for you every time she came to visit, just died. Now I wouldn't go as far as to say Erica has ever actually made me cry, but I have teared up a few times. Trust me, it was not a good feeling.

          I put on my two triangular bamboo earrings, completing my outfit which consisted of a brown or almost nude colored see through crop top that had blue flower petals decorating my breasts area and a knee length body hugging blue skirt that matched the color of the petals on the shirt. I had on open toe nude colored heels that showed off my freshly done light blue painted toe nails. My natural big curly hair was out and left hanging down to my back. Along with some light blue lipstick on my lips.

          I picked up some Victoria Secret perfume off my counter and sprayed only twice, on my neck and my side. I didn't wanna overdue it, people would think I didn't shower if I had on too much perfume. I put the perfume bottle back down and look at Erica through the mirror who was busy playing with the ends of his weave. "I heard Braxton is gonna be there." I say, pushing up my cleavage and making sure my stomach wasn't looking puffy in my outfit.

          Erica's head suddenly snapped up returning my stare in the mirror. I don't know if the light in my room hit him from a certain angle but his left eye glowed for a second reminding me of those stupid gray contacts he had in his eyes. I don't know why he wore them. He had beautiful brown eyes. I mean but then again, Erica is Erica. Don't get me wrong I love gay guys, one is my cousin. But gay guys were always so extra. It fit his personality though, I guess.

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