Chapter 19

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"So what's the time Nasir"

"sir we have 10 minutes left for Natasha to arrive

"Ok that's good while rubbing my hands together lets go and also Nasir bring Anastasia to the room behind she could see threw the tinted window and Can listen to us while we are talking know go"

Nasir POV
"Yes sir"
as I walked to Anastasia room and entered I ordered her to get up she said

"What do you want from me"

"I told you to get up"
as I pulled her up roughly
"know follow me and don't insist"
I was holding her arm tightly it was starting to turn red we both enter the room

"shut your mouth don't talk and listen"

"What the fck is this a dream what is my mother doing here let me go"
She rann up to the tinted window Aziz had a laptop in his hand

Aziz POV
As I walked off and enters the meeting room Anastasia's  mother was there looking at me and giving me a bad look she had a cigar in her mouth

"I will start talking sorry to say but your daughter has been really naughty and I just couldn't last her bullshit so I killed her"

She removed the cigar and said
"do you have evidence"

"Just shut the fuck up and look at this"
while I opened the laptop and faced it towards the tinted window where Anastasia was I pressed play and the video started playing Natasha's face showed no emotion she had no sympathy for her daughter when she is meant to cry me a river

"Listen here Aziz do you think I am dumb I got eyes and ears everywhere your bullshitting with me"
She stood up and walked to the tinted window and placed  her hand on it Anastasia is behind this tinted window"

Anastasia POV

Nasir just entered my room and told me to get up

"What do you want" I yelled

"I told you to get up"
in an angry tone as he pulled me up roughly and told me to follow him and not to insist I was holding my arm tightly it was starting to turn red

"now enter the room and shut your mouth don't talk and listen what the fuck is going on"

"why am I here"
when I was about to turn away Suddenly I saw my mother she looked like a bad ass and was talking with Aziz,
"my mother  lfinally returned"I said in a shocking way to Nasir

"Your dead "

"What the hell is this shit I'm not dead I'm right here I'm living how you don't have proof about it"

Natasha the leader of our enemy mafia well your mother is meant to think you are dead, for the hundredth time we have the power of doing anything and also there is evidence watch carefully the fun is beginning

I started watching it was a video of me getting tortured well shortened after I fainted Nasir came to check my pulse and said that I had died when I actually haven't died no this can't be happening I ran to the Tinted window my mother literally killed Aziz at the spot he looked so irritated
I heard her speak after 8 years it's my first time hearing her beautiful voice

"Listen here kid do you think I am dumb I got eyes and ears everywhere your bullshitting with me"
She stood up and walked to the tinted window put her hand on it

"Anastasia is behind that tinted window my loving daughter"

I placed my hand on her hand the only barrier was this tinted window I don't no if I should be happy about her being here beside me or that be sad about her leading her mafia mother then exited the room
Aziz said

"TAKE HER DOWN YOU HAVE TILL SUNRISE" then he exited the room

No this can't be I need to help my mum Nasir opened the door to check if the case was clear I saw a vase and hit him on the head he fell face forward on the floor in movies  they usually poke the person but because I hate him I kicked his guts and started running behind my mother
"just a few more steps and I will be there"
All of a sudden a hand covered my mouth and pulled me in a room  I tried to scream but couldn't

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