Chapter 45

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Anastasia POV

We tied there hands and legs

"Why don't we have three chances each"
Says Nick

" that is the wrong answer assholes you have 2 chances left use it wisely"
Nick rolled his eyes at me

"I don't know"
He started wiggling trying to escape

"Darling can you leave this to me"
said Aziz with lust in his voice I stared into his beautiful oceanic eyes he unbuckled his sleeves and folded them neatly

" what was that phrase you said about Anastasia o yeah she is a pure badass she is smart and beautiful"
He punched Nick across the nose letting a crack erupting from Nicks noise he groaned in agony each time Aziz's hand came in contact with his
The couch had blood on it Aziz walked towards his prey Sebastian

"So you Wish that you could of met MY Anastasia in bed"
Aziz repeated what he done to Nick but way worse after completing his job he then left to wash his hands

Nick and Sebastian started studying me

"Why are you dumb dogs looking at me"
I stared daggers right through there pathetic souls

"We are trying to study you Anastasia"
They started laughing like dogs

"Don't study me you will fail"
Know it was time for me and my men to laugh which lead them to zipping their mouths

"Your time is up the answer is tattoo I tell you what the funny thing is how you have a tattoo and don't even know, anyways let's the fun begin where is my ink and needle"

"Why do you need that for Anastasia"
A smirk  is placed on my face and my eyebrow was slightly tilted

"I am going to tattoo you right in the forehead saying 'i am a rapist' hold him down and close his mouth actually duck tape his mouth"

"No don't do this Ana—"
I duck taped his mouth nick shit himself as ever needle came in contact with Sebastian's head,after I finished the beautiful tattoo and pulled the duck tape with full force off of Sebastian's lips,he was crying

"Omg shit the tattoo is crooked doesn't matter your crooked yourself its gonna leave a stain"

Aziz started talking
"Do you know the sad thing about betrayal? It never comes from an enemy.... that's why you deserve a betrayal tattoo"
I nodded my head what a psych couple we both are, nick started talking

"Listen they told me"
Before he can continue on with his sentence Aziz started talking

"Don't tell me what he said about me. Tell me why he was so comfortable saying that to you Nick"

"Exactly nick"
Mother had pure hatred towards him after his betrayal he made them sleep while standing still

"Just shoot them already I have better stuff to do says Aziz"
Both men froze at the spot saying their last prayers

"I am going to kill nick I promised myself"
With that I shot him on the chest and started walking off to the car park everyone was shocked after what I done

"What are you waiting for just finish him"
He did just as what I said

"This girl is going crazy because of you Aziz"
Says Nasir

" I am crazy I just go normal time to time"
We exited the building leaving the men to complete the scene we are one know with My and Aziz gang and mothers gang together we are stronger

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