Chapter Five

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Thesis ongoing... XP
Very very slow updates...
Very very sorry.
But very thankful for the votes and wonderful comments which is composed of you guys telling me to update. XD
Anyway here you are. Love you all.
Would really love to hear from you about what you think and i'm very open for suggestions. Drop some votes and comments.


Cassandra's POV

Weekend couldn't come more fast. And here I am overlooking the huge grand steel gates of Virago. Leaning beside the car that will drive us to the LeGrand estates. The wind was being flirty, it decided to play with my hair as it flutter around freely. I took a look at my watch. I'm pretty sure I didn't forget to tell her to meet me here. Calyx was sure taking her sweet time in making me wait. The nerve of that woman. I was about to frown when I sensed her presence not far and knocked on the window of the driver's seat. The black tinted glass went down half way just enough for Sebastian to peek out his weary blue eyes looking back at my silvery ones. "She's here please assist her with her things."

"Yes young madam," Sebastian stepped out of the car and approached the redhead who was walking towards them.

Calyx gave her bag to Sebastian, "Thanks,"

"My pleasure madam," he said with a bow before going to the trunk of the car to put the bag away.

I looked at Calyx who already focused her gaze on me. "I was already planning to leave you luckily you came just in time. So shall we?" I asked and as if on cue Sebastian opened the car door beside me. Calyx was still staring intently at me. "You are creeping me out Ms. Astaroth. I rather you undress me physically than stare at me as if undressing me." That pun seemed to break her thoughts cause she now stared at me with a raised eyebrow. "I.. will keep that in mind for later," she said before smiling and walking pass me to enter the car. God I'm such a flirt and she's being a good sport by flirting back, a smile creep to my lips before I shook my head and got in the car after her.

Sebastian closes the door as soon as I sat down the comfy leather seat of the limo. I looked around and took a deep breath, the little bit scent of my parents hung in the air and the citrus smell coming from the air freshener hits my nose. And right beside me Calyx smelled of earth, a wee bit musky just a little that makes her presence strong but mixed with a feminine sweet scent that I find comforting. If i could just scoot a little closer lay my head on her shoulder or nuzzle my nose on her neck. I bit my lips, my thoughts are way too honest for my own good. I stole a glance from the corner of my eye as the car starts moving. And funny she was staring at me. So I looked her way. "So, have you eaten breakfast?" Just to break the awkward air between us.

"Not yet, shall I have you? You look quite ravishing," I stopped myself from laughing. Before looking at myself, I was wearing a white loose shirt and a black tight jeans paired with a low cut black converse. My hair was tied in a messy bun. "You're exaggerating. Way too simple. Anyways, Sebastian let's take a quick detour at my favorite coffee shop." I said loud enough for him to hear.

"You do drink coffee, right?" I smiled at her.

"Ofcourse, who doesn't? And I wasn't exaggerating cause you do look fine." Calyx said with a smile. I quickly looked out the window. My face was heating up and pretty sure me blushing will be more than obvious. This woman is affecting me in ways others couldn't. I rubbed the back of my neck.

"What's that place over there?" Calyx asked behind me. I looked to her and to her window. We passed by a mountain side with a long staircase and a red arc. "That's a Japanese shrine, and owned obviously by a Japanese family who decided to reside in this town it's been there for 50 years according to my parents. The shrine was put up there for a deeper reason. But my mothers didn't tell me the whole story behind that shrine yet." Calyx just nodded her head staring at it till it was out of view.

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