This week was horrible and the week isn't even over.
Well monday was great because I had no school. Then the week got horrible.
On tuesday we got our maths exam back and well ... I didn't pass it. If I don't pass the exam in the end of this school year I'll sit in the same class as my brother next year and I hate his classmates.
Today I had a presentation in chemistry ... that weint surprisingly good and then we had history. One person of my class has to tell the teacher what we have done during the last class ... She asked me and two boys of my class ... Well we weren't possible to tell her everything we did and then she got angry ... now we have revisions at the beginning of the lesson. There goes my freetime, I'm just doing stuff for school and not really time vor myself 😡.I don't want anymore.
I hope your week was better.

My drawings, tags and random stuff
RandomJust some pics I draw and other stuff like tags or stuff.