Watch this video up there it's soooo cute. (I still don't know why I put this in here)
Anyway, back to what I wanted to tell/show/whatever you in the first place.
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I ordered an advent Calendar. I let the pic which Lilli put together print on this advent Calendar and here's the result. It's awesome!
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Some time ago I made this for Lilli's story "Sonic: Back into the wilderness". It's Sonic (the pup on the right side) with his parents and his two siblings Manic and Sonja.
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And another pic for Lilli's story "Sonic: Back into the wilderness"! It's the scene were Silver and Shadow are fighting over the stick. I would have colored it but I was to lazy.
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I downloaded Sonic Forces Speed Battle on my phone. The game is awesome but I sadly haven't unlocked Shadow yet. And before I skip to the last point, for anyone who wants to wait for the next comic page to be colored, stop reading here. For everyone who stops here: I hope you have a good day/evening.
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You know what this means .... yes that's right, page 4 and 5 will soon be colored. I hope I can color both pages til the weekend. And for everyone else who read until here, hope you have a nice day/evening