Chapter 9

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~~Y/N pov~~

I wake up from sleep. I looked at jam and it was 7:44 am. I stand up and go to my bathroom to clean my self. After that I go to the kitchen and see Jungkook was prepared a breakfast. Jungkook noticed me.

"Good morning Y/N~ I was about to waking you up after I prepared the breakfast" Jungkook said while put a pancake on the plate.

"Good morning Jungkook! Uhh~ don't you go to school today?" I said.

"No, I will take care of you. I already told principal that I will absent for 1 week to take care of you" Jungkook said with a smile

I sit and Jungkook give me a plate with pancake. Jungkook sit in front of me and we starting eat.

After we eating, we washed the dishes and go to the living room to watch the television.

"What are we gonna watch now?" I said to Jungkook.

"Hmmm~ let's watching a horror movie" Jungkook said as he open a horror movie. I don't like horror movie.

"N-no I don't like horror movie. It's scary" I said while covering my face with a pillow.

"It's okay I'm with you" Jungkook said. The horror movie was started.

I just covering my face, with pillow for a long time. When the scary scene was appeared, Jungkook start to hug me. My eyes enlarge and blushed at the same time.

Finally, the movie was finished. I sigh. Suddenly I thinking about something.
"Hey, do you have my old phone?" I said to Jungkook.

"This" Jungkook give me my old phone, it's still perfect. I smile at Jungkook.

"Thank you Jungkook" I said while smiling at him.

"No problem" Jungkook said and smile at me too. Suddenly, someone calling Jungkook.

"Excuse me" Jungkook said as he stand up and go to the bedroom. I go to my bedroom and looked my old phone. It was really amazing. I looked at the contact. There was my best friend number here. I looked at the photo, there was full picture of me with Jungkook and the other. I was smiling alone when I looked through the pictures.

I really missed my old life. I really wish that my memories will come back.

I turn of my phone. I open my new diary book and start to write it.

Dear Diary,

Today is was really bored. I was after watching a horror movie with Jungkook. It was really fun. After that I said to Jungkook if he have my old phone and he have it. Suddenly someone calling him and he go to bedroom. I don't know what to do at living room, so I go to my bedroom and open my phone. My phone is complete, I have all my best friends number and Jungkook. And then I looked at the pictures. I was smiling when I see the pictures of me with Jungkook and My best friends. I think I already like Jungkook. Oh God, please said that me and Jungkook was in relationship before this. I was always wish that I will remember everything one day. I always wish that everyday

Suddenly Jungkook call me from downstairs.

"Y/N!!" Jungkook called me.

"Yes!" I reply him back as I running to downstairs.

"What's wrong Jungkook?" I said.

"I'm bored. Let's go walking to the park" Jungkook said.

"Sounds fun!" I excitedly said it.

"Okay, let's go" Jungkook said as he hold my hand and go out from the house. I was blushed when I noticed that Jungkook was holding my hand.

We walking to the park.

"Hey, let's sit there" Jungkook said as he pointing the bench. We sit on the bench.

"Y/N" Jungkook said my name.

"Yes?" I reply at him back.

"Mmm~ I think Taehyung like you" Jungkook said while looking on the ground. I was confused.

"N-No. Why you suddenly asking that questions to me? I don't have a feeling toward him" I said while frowned.

"Ugh.. Just curious" Jungkook said. After that he awkwardly laugh it. I was feel weird about him.

"Are you okay?" I said while looking his face clearly.

"I-I'm fine" Jungkook said without looking me.

"Do you love or have a crush with someone?" I said to him while smiling. Jungkook looked at me.

"Honestly yes. I have a first crush with someone before this" Jungkook said.

"And who is she?" I said again.

"Her name is Eunha. She is my first crush. One day, I was planed to confessed to her and she accept me. I really happy that time. We already in relationship almost 1 year. But one day, there was a new transfer student come into my school. That new student was really beautiful, nice, cute and kind hearted. At first, I was her best friend but my feeling toward her became stronger. Eunha noticed that and Eunha make her heart in pain. That new student always crying when she in school cause Eunha always yelled at her for being with me. I'm really upset because of Eunha behavior and starting that time, my love toward Eunha became faded. One day I was walking on the street but suddenly I heard a familiar voice at the alley. So I go to check it and it was Eunha with another guy. They two was kissing together. Honestly I don't feel anything when I see Eunha with another guy even mad or sad because I think I already in love with that new student. So I go confessed to that new student next day and you know what? She accept me! But we just in relationship just a day cause Eunha make her heart in pain again by pulled me into the kissed. I was about to push her but it's to late. That new student already noticed it. She crying while running and after that she never remember about me" Jungkook said as his tear was slowly rolled down to his cheek.

"That sad. I wish that new student will come to you again" I said while wipe away his tear. Jungkook looked at me. I smiled sweetly at him.

"Thanks" Jungkook said as he smiled at me back.

'That new student is really lucky for being loved by Jungkook but why this story seems so familiar to me? And that girl named Eunha too. This is weird" I was thought about that.

Chapter 9 end
To be continued.

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