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                                                                       Chapter One


Early morning, the sun was nearly up; a girl lay asleep in her bed.

“Raven you’d better not be in bed!” At the sound of her mother’s voice Raven sat up.

“Why would I be in bed?” I had lied, trying to save myself some time.

 Opening my wardrobe I grabbed the first thing I saw, my fish nets, denim shorts and shoulder slouching tee, rushing into the bathroom I quickly got ready for school. At the sound of mother’s heavy footsteps on the stairs, I made her bed and flicked on the TV just as my bedroom door swung open to reveal mother standing with curlers in her hair and her pyjamas still on.

“Hmm, hurry up or you’ll be late” Mum said whilst peering around the room.

Just as she closed the door I let out a sign, first day back to school after summer break, maybe Gwen and Chase had a better summer. Standing at the gate entrance to Shore Line High was Gwen, her long black hair was down by her sides, at the sight or Raven Gwen squealed.

“Raven! How was your Summer? We have so much to talk about!”

Gwen was still the same, tough on the outside but on the inside a huge marsh mellow. Nothing like her brother Chase, he wasn’t someone to mess with.


First class Biology:                                                                                                                                                                 I sat alone in the back of the room, without Gwen or Chase no one really knew her. Just as everyone had settled down the class room door opened, the principal walked in, her high heels higher than ever, as usual. Following her was someone she had never seen around school before, maybe he was new? He wore jeans with a plain black t-shirt, his hair was blonde and his eyes sky blue.

“Class, please welcome Hunter Kovis, he just transferred here from the city. I trust you will all make him feel very welcome”

Extending his hand the Biology teacher said “I’m Mr. Bavieto, your biology teacher, feel free to take a seat”

Walking down the row of table he sat next to me, I shifted over, keeping to myself whilst trying to avoid eye contact with him. There was something odd about him; it gave me a horrible feeling deep inside my gut. The bell rang making me jump, I hurried for the door as fast as possible. Meeting up with Chase and Gwen, I pulled them to the side.

“Have you seen the new kid? Something tells me he’s bad news...”

“We need to talk, follow me”


                                       Chapter 2

One hour later:

“What do you mean!? I’m not in any tribe!” I couldn't be in any tribe, tribe don't even excist around here, I cant even imagin my mum going a day without her curlers and a heater, let alone being in a tribe! It seemed like Chase and Gwen knew more about her than I do!

“No, you were born into it. It’s not 100% optional, when Hunter came your instincts knew, so did mine, so did Gwen’s”

“So you’re saying I was born into this tribe, and that my ancestors have been at battle with Hunters?” I just can’t get my head around it, this sort of thing just doesn’t happen.

“Kind of, just promise us you won’t cause any trouble”

“Yes ‘Mum’


When I got home I went straight to my room in a hurry, barely hearing mums “Tough first day back?” Right now the last person I wanted to see was mum. After sitting in hmy room and thinking things through I decided they were lying, it was impossible! How could my mum, the one in fluffy pink slippers have ever been in battle?

Raven was tossing and turning in her sleep, horrible dreams were filling her head. Her window flew open, letting in the wind and rain. There were eyes, vivid green eyes watching her in her dream. With a flash of lightening Raven woke to find Hunter standing at the foot of her bed. Only one question hit Raven’s mind, “Who am I?”



To Be Continued...

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