Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I put my hair up into a messy pony tail. I smiled at the thought of Robbie. He has been a perfect boyfriend to me. I looked at the time, damn, I was taking longer than I thought. I ran down the stairs, slipped on my tan, fuzzy uugs, and grabbed my keys. I locked the front door and ran to my car as fast as I could. It was already pouring. Before I started the car, I texted Robbie that I was going to pick something up for us really quickly. I started the car and began to drive. It was pouring like crazy, I thought my windshield wipers were going to fly off, they were going so fast. I pulled into the parking lot of a Starbucks. I ran inside.

"Welcome to Starbucks, what can I get you?"

"Hi, a grande pumpkin spice latte and a grande white chocolate mocha."

"Is that it?"

I nodded.

"Ok, that will be $8.36. Your name?"

"Um put Robbie " I handed her the exact change, let's just say Robbie and I come here a lot.

"Ok it will be a couple of minutes."

"Thanks." I said.

I walked over to the side. I pulled out my phone and went on Instagram. I saw that Robbie posted a picture of me with the caption "Can't wait till she gets here <3 Everyone go follow her , my special Wendy ;)" I just smiled and tucked my phone into my boot leg.

I saw a group of younger girls at a table all on their phones.

"Pumpkin Spice and White Chocolate Mocha for Robbie!" the lady yelled. I heard a couple of loud gasps.  I went to the counter and grabbed the drinks. When I turned around, the girls were surrounding me.

"Oh my gosh.... Are you Robbie's girlfriend?" They held up the pic on Instagram.

"Yeah... haha... that's me." I blushed a little.

"Wow can we take a pic with you?"

"Uh... sure" It was a little weird but I went along with it.

They took it and and thanked me.

"Oh my god, is Robbie in the car right now?" They all looked at the parking lot.

"Unfortunately no, hey well I got to go. Nice meeting you girls." I smiled.

"Are you in the episode tonight?" They asked.

"I think so."

"Ok! Tell Robbie we say hi!"

"I will."

I got back into the car and arrived at his house.

I ran up to the door, I didn't even get to knock because e swung open the door really fast.

"Um- no sorry I don't want your cookies." He smiled and closed the door.

"Robbie open the door!" I laughed and pounded on the door. "C'mon, its cold!"

"You have to convince me!" He yelled.

"I brought you coffee, am I worthy now?"

He opened the door. He took the coffee tray and set it on the floor.

"Yes of course." He said, pulling me into a kiss. "Let's go inside."

He put his arm around me and sat us down on the couch.

He took a sip of his coffee. "Mmm, you never cease to fail me delicious coffee."

"You're stupid." I laughed and sipped my drink.

"Are you cold?" He asked.

"Yeah a little." I said.

"Ok I will be right back, I'm going to go get us some blankets."

"Ok babe" I said.

He winked and did the one eyebrow thing. He knows that makes me melt.

"Go!" I laughed and threw a pillow at him.

He ran up the stairs. I was flipping the channels until I got to Abc.

"Hey, it's about to start!" I yelled. Season 3, episode 2 was on tonight.

"Ok, be there in a sec! In the microwave is some popcorn for us!"

I grabbed it and plopped down onto the couch. He came running down the stairs and he tried to slide down the banister. He fell of the end, tripping a little.

"Uh you didn't see that." He tried to play it off, but it didn't work.

"Oh I totally did." I smiled.

"Whatever" He blushed. He turned off the light and sat next to me. Right when the show started, there was a big flash of lightning outside. It made me jump. The thunder occurred right after it.

"Woah that must have been pretty close." Robbie said.

"Yeah..." I got closer to him.

Suddenly, the lights in his house flickered on and then back off.

"What the hell?" He said.

"Robbie, that isn't funny..." I said.

"That wasn't me."

"Is Camilla here? I know she likes to pull pranks on us." I said looking around.

"I swear we are home alone, it's probably just the storm." He said pulling me even closer.

The chandelier over his dining room table started to shake, lightning flashed followed by lots of thunderous rumbles.

"Robbie, I'm scared. This storm is outrageous!"

"I know, this has never happened before!"

The tv started to flicker and the screen was getting fuzzy. Just then a black figure shot out of the tv and was flying around the room.

We ran and hid underneath the dining room table.

"Is that- is that-"

"yes..." He said looking straight ahead.

"How? Its just a tv show" I said, terrified.

"I-I don't know."

"Where is it?" I peeked out . I felt my ankle be tugged backwards.

"ROBBIE!" I screamed.

"LISA!" He crawled out and tried to grab my hand.

I tried to grab it but I couldn't.

"Let her go!" He yelled, throwing objects at it.

It released its grip on my and grabbed Robbie's ankles, making him fall to the floor. The shadow figure seemed to be dragging him toward the tv. The figure entered into the tv. It was like a black hole was forming around it.

"LISA!" Robbie screamed.

"NO!" I yelled, gabbing his hands. My hands were slipping.

"Lisa, just let go."

"No, I won't lose you!"

"I love you Lisa..."

"Let me come with you!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry" He looked at me with despair. He let go of my hand.

"NO!" In a matter of seconds, he was gone.

The tv shut off, leaving me in a dark room, alone.

I fell to my knees sobbing. I was pounding against the tv, "ROBBIE!!!"

I hit the TV really hard once more, the portal opened back up, sucking me into its treacherous doom.

After that, all I remember was darkness.

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