Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


A sharp jawline and an erect penis are what's on my mind as I stumble out the door and to the bathroom.

The fvck did I just walk into?

The way his eyes waved over my body and glazed over has my mind roaring. I wasn't meaning to end up in his room, but I sure as hell am glad I did now. Hell, I wasn't even supposed to be here tonight. We were supposed to go to the club, but Sam got a text from Owen, her current fling. He's a part of the Outlaws MC that's around here and he's a major hunk.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand.

Fvck me he was hot. What I wouldn't give to get me some of him.

I snap my head out of my thoughts and do my business. The whole house is rowdy and people are continually yelling, giving me a migraine. At this point all I wanna do is go home and pass out.

Washing my hands and then exiting the bathroom, I make my way down the stairs with an eye out for Sam the whole time. I spot her in the corner chugging down her drink while grinding up against Owen with a grin on her face.

Great, should have figured she would ditch me at some point in the night.

I push my way through the crowd until I reach her. Grabbing her arm, I pull her to face. "Are you coming home or staying here?" I glance over at Owen to find him now talking to another guy. I roll my eyes and face Sam.

"Hi Ri! I missed youuu." She makes kissy faces at me and I just smile down at her.

"Are you coming home or no?" I stop and turn her to face me. She smiles lazily before slinging her arms around Owens neck, catching him off guard. He catches her with a laugh and looks at me.

"I got her. I'm gonna take her up to my room to sleep it off. Do you need a ride home?" I bite my lip, not sure what to say. I nod my head. "Okay, let me just get one of the guys to run you."

I hurriedly shake my head no, not wanting to ride with one of the trouble makers. Just as I'm about to say something, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see the guy from the bedroom earlier and instantly a blush erupts on my cheeks. "I'll take her."

Before I can even respond, Owen nods his head and turns to Sam before picking her up bridal style and carrying her up the stairs. I turn to face the guy and bite my lip, not sure what to say. I feel speechless for once and that's new for me. "Come on, I'll drop you off."

I nod without a word and let him lead me out the front door and to a car parked in the long driveway. He opens the door for me and I look up at him. "What, no bike?" He lets out a laugh and shakes his head.

"We can take it if you would like, but I figured at least in the car you could pass out if you needed to." I nod. "Okay, so where to?" He starts the car and heads in the direction of the apartment after I managed to stutter out the directions.

The whole car ride I feel like I'm gonna burst from temptation. Hell, I don't even know this mans name and I've already seen his junk. Shit, I want to see it again. I want to do more than see it. I feel my mouth salivating at the thought.

I reach up and wipe non existent drool from my lips before turning to him timidly.

"What's your name anyway?"

He glances over at me and licks his lips before speaking. "Jax. How about you? I should have asked before you ran out of my room." He chuckles slightly and winks at me. I feel my cheeks heat up, but choose to ignore it.

"Riley, and sorry about that again. Your house is just so big and very confusing. I've been there countless times, but still can't seem to remember my way around." I shrug and pick at my nails absentmindedly as he drives past The Cactus. The parking lot is empty for once and I find this odd, until I look at the clock and realize just how late it is.

"I don't remember ever seeing you around," he mumbles under his breath before continuing, louder this time and acting like I didn't hear him mumble the first part.  "So, why were you at the party anyway? I've seen Sam around there, but never you. Not that I'm complaining." He winks at me and I find myself pulling at the hem of my dress to cover myself, not that there's any extra fabric to pull on to begin with. This dress is as short as can be, but it's sexy and that's all I cared about.

"Because of Sam. Plus I wanted to piss off my boyfriend." I see his fists tighten around the wheel at the word boyfriend and I mentally smack myself for saying that.

"Boyfriend huh?"

I shrug.
"Yeah, for now. He thinks he can control me so I'm determined to prove him wrong." He nods as he pulls into my apartment complex. I look up to find Carter's car parked in Sam's usual spot.

"Shit. He's here now. Just park anywhere. Thanks for the ride." I look over at Jax and give him a genuine smile before reaching for the door handle, only to be stopped by him.

"Be careful please." I nod, confused.

"He's bad news." I give him a questioning look, but just blow it off, getting out of the car. I start to walk towards Carter, who's standing there looking pissed off. Great, just what I need tonight.

I walk around the front of the car before standing in front of Jax's door, leaning in to kiss him on the cheek, wanting to simply piss Carter off that much more. Jax looks surprised and I let out a laugh. "Thanks Jax. I hope to see you around." I wink at him before spinning around without another word and walking away.

I hear tires squeal and I mentally prepare myself for Carter's wrath. When I reach closer to him, he yanks me against him. "What the hell? Let me fvcking go!" I let out a yelp, pulling my arm out of his grasp and walking into the apartment building. He follows me up the stairs and into my apartment before yanking me to him once again with force.

"What the fuck was that about? Why were you with him? You know damn well he's with the Outlaws."

I arch my eyebrow in question. "I didn't actually until a little while ago. What's it to you? Not like you were there to give me attention." He huffs and runs his hands through his hair. I can tell he's trying hard to not hit me, and I just hope he does so I can call the cops on his ass.

"Why the fvck were you at his house? And why the fvck didn't you come to the house earlier? I expect you to listen to me Riley. You know this." By now he has my arms in his grip and I can feel my arms going numb.

I yank my arms down and walk away from him, heading to the bedroom to change. I yank my dress over my head and head towards the bathroom, him hot on trail. I turn to face him. "First off, you are not the boss of me. Second, I wanted to go out with Sam, so I did. Third, Sam dragged me over to their house so she could see Owen so it wasn't my idea, not that I'm bitching. I had a great time, without you!"

At that, I slam the door closed in his face and lock it without another word. He bangs on the door for a minute before giving up. I take a deep breath and step away from the door, going to the shower and turning the knobs on.

I remove the rest of my clothes and look at myself in the mirror. I can see bruises forming on my forearms already and I question my choices in life. Why the hell am I still putting up with this shit? I want to break up with him so bad but I have a deep fear for my life. He will try to kill me if I break up with him. Simple as that. I'm screwed.

 I'm screwed

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