i love them

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alexs pov

"WAKE UP SLUTS" beau yelled i looked over at my alarm clock 9 o'clcok i groaned. i hoped out of bed and went down stairs were i smelt pancakes "yum" i said as i walked into the kitchen to see beau flipping pancakes. "morning, mums at work by the way" beau smiled giving me 3 pancakes "yum and morning' i said shoving pancake in my mouth

"where's the twins " "still sleeping, i betta go get them up" beau said walking out of the kitchen.

i probably should introduce myself im alex brooks well actually alexandra brooks i am the brooks brothers little sister i have beaus hair colour, beaus eye colour, lukes curls and jais smile. im 14 and live in glenroy with my family. my brothers are very protective of me, its kinda annoying but i love them anyway . i live with beau, luke, jai and mum. dad left when i was born. i always wonder if im the reason he left but my family always reassure me its not that. but personally i think im partly the reason. anyway back to the story.

after i was finnished my pancakes all three of my brothers walked into the kitchen "hey shortie" luke said giving me a big hug. well you see i get that nick name because im only 5'4. short i know.

"hey" i said hugging him back 

'hey va-jai-jai" i said hoping up jumping on his back

"hey gorgous" he said gripping my legs so i dont fall off 

we hear a 'click' we look over to see beau and luke taking pictures of us uploading it on instagram.

jai got his phone out me still on his back carefully not dropping me he looked at the picture and said "im fabulous" flicking his hair "no were fabulous" i said giggling 

"i love you guys" I said oulling them into a big bear hug 

"i love you to" they all said joining the hug


Hey guys so chapter 2 is up how are you liking it comment some feed back.

updating soon

in the story the twins are 16 just becuase it goes better and beau is 18




stay tuned 

courtney xx

oh yeah there my brothers (brooks brothers sister)Where stories live. Discover now