Chapter One|| The New Girl

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"Stiles, come here I need you to fix my tie!" Charlie whined across the room. As if he could do anything for himself these days? It would be a complete miracle! I was just so comfortable in my chair and he has to come along and ruin it! He sometime makes me want to blow my own brains out! Charlie is my one and only friend. I know shocking right? You would have thought I would be full of friends and popularity. Oh and you can't forget about the girls. Oh no! Don't get me started. I am the most humiliating and socially awkward person on this planet! Thats one of the reasons why I call Charlie a friend. One, because we have known each other since preschool. Two, because he is my very own Cupid.
"Do it yourself!" I replied a little hastily back at him, trying to get my point across. He came through wearing a black suit surrounded by little black threads dangling from the edges of his blazer. You could tell it was mine as it was way to small for him. For a moment I was getting ready to take cover as if one of the buttons would explode from his jacket!
" Would you like to give me a lift?" He (very politely) asked. Hinting and pleading that I would otherwise he would have to walk. And that wouldn't be very appealing to his date! He picked up my keys and gently wafted them in my face as if it was food and I just had to give in. I told him I wasn't staying as I had school tomorow. As much as I would love to skip school, if my mum found out I would be dead and buried!
The next morning I woke up with the most painful strain in the back of my neck. As I turned my head round I would be accompanied by this short stabbing pain as if a bullet just ran right through me. Slowly I made my way out of bed, went downstairs and grabbed a glass of milk still with just my pyjama bottoms on. Charlie must have stayed at hers last night as he never came home. After I finished my milk I stumbled back upstairs to get dressed. Then I grabbed my bag, walked out the door and headed to school.
5 minutes into first period I looked out the window to see a girl with the headmaster. She must be a new student as I had never seen her around before. I don't think she is from around here as her facial expressions said it all. I didn't really take much notice at first but when she walked in I suddenly saw how her eyes lit up as she glanced at her new classmates. Happy but her stomach full of butterflies. Her hair was strawberry blonde, that she tucked behind her ears as she walked to take her seat. I was to busy staring at her to realised the only spear seat was opposite me!
"Have you got a spare pen?" For a second I turned around to see if she was talking to someone else. When I realised it was me she was looking at, I rushed into my pocket hoping and begging I had a spare pen for her. I was that hasty I nearly dropped the pen!
"Um, here you go." I replied quickly. One part of me never wanted her to speak to me again but the other was dying just to look at her face once more.
I was to busy daydreaming to realise that the bell had gone ages ago! I was just sat there with my finger tapping to the rhythm of the clock at the front of the classroom. Looking like a complete psycho!
Just as I was about to go...
"Sorry I was just wondering if you could show me the way to science?"
"I'm Lydia by the way. Lydia Martin"
"Hi I'm Stiles. Stiles Stilinski."
And with that I actually started to calm down as we walked out the doorway.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2017 ⏰

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