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“Hang on!” his voice called over the howling wind and swirling rain that enshrouded us.

    “I’m trying!” I shouted back, but I knew that my desperate reassurance had not carried over the furious storm.

    The sky was briefly turned yellowish-gray from the lightning. Before the spots had stopped flickering in front of my eyes, thunder followed up, bellowing across the land.

    I risked a look down at the dark, foaming, swirling water far beneath me, but as I did, my left hand, which hadn't been feeling right since we'd gone through the portal, began to slip off the slick red-gray rock. Lightning cracked across the almost-black sky again, and barely second later, thunder followed, shaking the already precarious rock formation that was the only thing saving me from a watery doom.

    My hand finally slid entirely off the edge, and I felt the other begin to weaken. ‘Here I am, about to die on a cliff, all because of a-’ I began to think, but I was cut short by my right hands’ betrayal, causing sudden drop into the water. I hit the surface, and as I sank to what I was almost certain would be my demise, my last clear thoughts were, ‘I hope he can manage this on his own.’

    Seconds later, I went numb and my world turned black.

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