A Mystery Dungeon Adventure

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As soon as we stepped into the cavern, we ran into trouble. The murky, slightly damp, and very cold cave was, sadly, inhabited. I decided to ask a nearby Shellos for help.

    “Hey, um, me and my friend are looking for someone. Could you help?” I asked.

    The pink, sea slug-like Pokémon gave me a flat look.

    “Rachel, Pokémon in caves aren’t as sophisticated as us,” Belle hissed. “They’ll attack anything."

    I didn't have a chance to reply before the Shellos splattered us with a thin film of sticky mud. Belle lunged at the Water-Type, knocking it backwards onto the ground.

    As it struggled to get back onto it’s feet, I swiped at it quickly. It angrily spat out at thin stream of water, which was surprisingly powerful. Belle had snuck up behind the pink Pokemon, and knocked it out with a Quick Attack.

    “Whoo! Our first battle!” I grinned, the adrenaline still pumping through my veins.

    A few battles (and an embarrassing amount of wrong turns) later, we finally had made our way to the bottom floor.

    There was a flat stone floor, with small ponds carved into the rock by hundreds of years of steadily dripping water. Small rock formations dotted the floor, forming a miniature landscape of mountains and lakes. Near the sloping back wall of the cavern, Zubat and Koffing were facing the other way, talking to each other and occasionally sniggering or raising their voices.

    “Okay, they haven’t seen us yet, we can sneak up and attack them,” I whispered.

Belle nodded. We slunk across the room, careful to not make any noise, lest we be discovered. When we were almost there, I accidently slipped on a pebble and it clattered across the cave. I froze.

    Zubat and Koffing turned around. Koffing said, “Whoa-ho-ho, looks like the chickens found us!”

    “Heh-heh-heh! Bet they can’t beat us!” Zubat added.

   “Hey, give back Belle’s Relic Fragment!” I said.

    “Relic, eh? Must be worth something, then!” Koffing mused.

    “Must be!” Zubat chimed.

    “I-it’s not! It’s personal!” Belle shouted.

    “Well, all the more reason to keep it!” said Koffing.

    “Give it back,” I said quietly.

    “What was that?” laughed Koffing.

    I looked at Belle, and we both charged at the pair of obnoxious Poison types.

    I Sang a quick tune, putting Koffing to sleep. Belle was focused on Zubat, and had given him a nasty-looking Burn on one wing, making him fly slightly lopsidedly. However, he returned with a fierce Bite on Belle’s ear. I was clawing at Koffing, and eventually I had him knocked out. By that point, Belle was bleeding pretty bad from her torn ear, and Zubat almost couldn’t fly because of his Burn. I dashed over and tossed Belle the Oran Berry I had been holding.

    My new friend chomped down on the Berry quickly, and part of her ear healed a little. I Sang Zubat to sleep, and as he fell to the ground, Belle used her Ember attack one more time, knocking out Zubat.

    “Good move!” I grinned.

    “Thanks!” Belle beamed, bouncing up and down slightly.

    ‘This must’ve been good for her confidence,’ I thought as Belle practically floated over to where one of them had stashed her treasure. ‘She seems really happy.’

    “So, how do we get out?” I asked.

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