Streetlights and Nightmares

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dim streetlights in the sketchy part of town did not scare them, they had eachother after all.
Silence took over the night and the only sounds to be heard were the two pairs of shoes on the wet concrete and soft breathing. Delilah and her sister Casey suddenly became aware of the third pair of feet coming up behind them ever so slightly they became louder and faster, they sounded heavy, the sound they could only could describe as heavy army boots from a man. After a short while, no longer as a minute, the heavy footsteps got a face and figure to go with them, a guy somewhere in his 20s passing them by and murmering a small " evening girls ". Both Delilah and Casey let out a breath they did not realize they were holding.

" Let's get something to eat." Casey uttered.
Without saying anything else Delilah walked into the cornershop infront of them. " open 24/7" it read in neon orange letters, a sight they knew all too good. The girls came here a lot as children, their house only being a few hunderd meters away.
After they payed for their food, two hotdogs and a hamburger, the girls made their way down to Delilahs car.

With all streetlights off the only source of light was the orange hue of the neon sign at the cornershop and Delilah her flashlight on her phone.
Fumbeling with her carkeys the task took a little longer as usual. When she finally got the car unlocked and was ready to get in a chemical smell took over her senses. Delilah scrunched her nose up in discust and eyes started tearing up, it wasn't long before she didn't smell anything at all, nor did she see anything anymore it was as if the world crumbled away. 

" Fuck " Casey woke up in cold sweat, her dream - no nightmare so realistic her heart was racing, as if she really was stood next to her sister. To calm down she went down to the kitchen for some water but could not shake the eerie feeling that something was truly wrong. She ran back upstairs, her bare feet patting down on the icy-cold tiles she and Delilah have in their loft. Searching for her phone in the dark was a harder task than anticipated. " Delilah, Delilah, there she is." Casey pulled up her and Delilah' chat.

" Had a weird dream are u ok x ? " the text she sent her sister. It was 12.54 am and Delilah was probably still awake as she was a real nightowl.

Casey' worry grew as the minutes ticked by, Delilah always answered fast. Casey decided to sent her one more text simply reading " text me as soon as you can."

Still with a bit of a weird feeling in the pit of her stomach she went to sleep, only to be awakened to sharp taps on her frontdoor four hours later.

Barely awake and with puffy eyes she made her way to the frontdoor and peeked through the little hole in the door. She opened the door to be met with three apologetic looking police officers.

"Casey Cameron?" The oldest looking officer asked.
Casey nodded her head.
" May we come in, we have some unfortenate news regarding your sister Delilah."

She already knew what was coming next.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2019 ⏰

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