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[ Tom's POV ]

What... What is happening right now?

His hand went to the back of my neck, pulling me closer.

He really is drunk...

And before I knew it, he placed his soft lips on mine.

Wake up~!

My eyes shot open, and I covered my eyes from the bright light with my hand.

One my vision adjusted and became clear, I looked around.

I was at Marco's house.

Wait- Marco's house?

Just as I pondered on that thought, my chest suddenly grew heavy. A hand gripped part of my shirt tightly, followed by soft snores.

I looked down, and saw an angel.

"..Marco.." I mumbled quietly, watching as he buried his face agaist my chest. Half of his body was on me, so I was careful not to move; I didn't want to wake him up afterall.

How did I get here..?
I thought hard on yesterday's events.

The last thing I could remember was being at the party. I had a few drinks with Janna.. And then Marco was there.

I couldn't remember was happened during those moments, but then a scene flashed in my mind.


I had carried Marco here after the party; he had fallen asleep.

That was it.


I looked back down at Marco; he looked too cute asleep and I resisted the urge to hold him.

But... How did I end up sleeping here..? What time is it..?

I glanced over to the clock; 6 in the morning.

I think he has work.. I should wake him up.

Marco stirred slightly, and he ended wrapping his arms around me with his head under my chin.
I couldn't help but grin.

Or... I can just stay like this with him- until he wakes up of course.

My smile only grew at the thought; I did my best to contain my inner fanboy.

Crap..! Why can't all mornings be like this..!!??

Just as I was forcing myself to go back to sleep, I caught I light from the corner of my eye on Marco's dresser.

I grimaced.

~ Space Unicorns! Soaring through the stars! ~


As the tune echoed through the room, Marco stirred once more. "" He mumbled before slowly sitting up.

I froze, and watched quietly as he rubbed his eyes before yawning.

Crap, he's cute..

Finally, he slowly open his eyes, staring at the wall tiredly. A minute passed before he moved again, and with strange luck he reached over me to grab his phone.

He placed it against his ear, using his othe hand to scratch his head.
"..hello..?" He glanced at the clock. "Oh- damn..! I'm sorry Janna- I overslept..."

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