Perfectly imperfect (Cecilos oneshot)

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If there was one thing Cecil Palmer was not it was a normal man. Almost everything about him was different, his voice (in which he took a lot of pride), his style of clothing, and last but not least (actually not the least at all) his tentacle tattoos trailing over his body.
The only normal, or the least un normal thing about Cecil Palmer and his life was his boyfriend, his lovely, perfect boyfriend Carlos, with his perfect hair and witty answers. As usual on a friday night Cecil sat in his booth soon to end his broadcast when his phone beeped. 

Mr Perfect <3

The screen glowed. A smile grew on Cecils' pale face. He didn't want to read it while he was on air but for some reason he felt safe within the walls of his booth, he clicked the little green button to open the text;
How about dinner on the roof?
See you at midnight.
'Listeners...' Cecil trailed off looking at the clock (which isn't real), it was ten minutes to midnight already. 'What better way is there to let this evening slowly dissolve into day with smooth jazz?!' Cecil started the playlist, but his black blazer on and headed out from his booth and into the slightly chilly dessert air. It took him about five minutes to walk from the station to his and Carlos shared apartment. He almost ran up the stairs to reach the roof top.
Candles, blankets and a picnic basked met Cecil, the roof was usually dark but with the warm light the candles created it looked like a movie scene.
A pair of warm hands placed themselves over his eyes. 'You ruined my surprise!' Carlos warm voice whispered into his ear.
'I'm sorry I didn't know it was marked as secret project.' Cecil chuckled and turned around kissing Carlos lips. Carlos entwined their fingers and lead him to the blankets.
'Sit' he commanded, Cecil complied and sat down wrapping himself up, from Carlos point of view his radio host boyfriend looked like a little owl, big purple eyes enlightened from the candles.
'Cecil we have to talk...' he said trailing off.
Cecils' belly grew chilly, why would he have done something like this if it was going to lead to them breaking up...?
'We have been together for a while, all forms are filled in, we live together, you know...share a life, however...that is not enough for me.'
As Carlos spoke Cecil felt a sting of anger grow inside of him, the chilly sensation was gone.
What did that perfectly haired scientist want from him? What did he ask for? Both of them were heavily engaged with their work, having to work late or in the beginning of dawn wasn't really news by now.
'Cecil...I can't have you being my boyfriend anymore...' Carlos said biting his lower lip. Cecil felt the tears coming, no, flooding up to his eyes, was this really the end?
But then something happened that Cecil was not prepared for, Carlos knelt down on one knee and pulled a dark velvet small box out of his left pocket.
'Because I want you to be my husband, what do you say? Cecil Palmer will you marry me?'
Now Cecil really was crying, but not out of anger, it was the opposite really. Perfect Carlos, with his perfect hair wanted to marry him, for real.
He didn't know what to say, his brain was going totally blank. Carlos eyes grew bigger with anticipation awaiting an answer, Cecil threw himself around Carlos neck kissing his cheeks over and over again.
'YES CARLOS! Yes I will marry you!' Cecil sobbed with a grin on his face. Now both of them sat on a roof top, surrounded by candles, crying, and newly engaged. Carlos proceeded with putting the silver ring with violet stone in on Cecil's ring finger. 'Now you're mine Cecil, forever!' Carlos grinned and kissed his fiancé pushing him down on the slightly windy roof. His tongue pressed against Cecil's mouth asking for access to his mouth, Cecil granted this request and their tongues fought each other for dominance, Carlos won, as he usually did.
 Carlos pushed himself against Cecil his hands pressed against his pale jaw, Cecils' fingers entwined in Carlos perfectly smooth, wavy hair. 'God I love you Carlos.' Cecil sighed happily, instead of a reply Carlos pressed his lips against Cecil's in a fiery kiss.
'Shut the hell up!' he said trying to catch his breath from the kiss he had just given the love of his life. He began to unbutton Cecil's vest coat button after button, slowly to drive the pale man beneath him crazy. The tentacle tattoos showing on his arms began to cast a light purple sheen upon Carlos smirking face. 'Excited are we Cecil?' he asked innocently.
Cecil's eyes were filled with lust as he almost whispered 'Just fuck me already!'
Cecil's anticipation of course made Carlos take his time even slower, thinking carefully about which shirt button on his pale lovers white shirt to undo next. 'Right now I'm on top, and that means I have the control...' Carlos trailed off playing with the dark purple tie around the radio hosts neck. 'You listen to and obey me. Understood love?' The smirk on Carlos lips sent chills down Cecil's spine and he nodded slowly, the tattoos glowing brighter and starting to remove themselves from his skin to eventually grow out into third dimensional real tentacles.
'Cecil...calm down, you are going to have your satisfaction...eventually.' He smirked, the tentacles searched for Carlos body, trying to get his shirt off, he knew by now that Cecil could control every single muscle in his tentacles and somehow that turned Carlos on beyond belief. 

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