Chapter 4.Last Day Before Work.

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Today was my last day before i start working in the Hotel. I'm really looking forward to it,if i'm honest. Elizabeth is working thought,so she can't make it,that kinda sucks because I'm taken Niall and the boys out for dinner and Louis's Girlfriend El is coming. I've never met her,but I've heard lovely things about her. She better treat Louis or I'll kick her ass.

I'm just about to get ready to leave the room when Niall rings me,wonder what he wants. I'm going to see him in less then 5 minutes.

Niall and I are together. Although we still haven't told the Fans. We will tell them if we are still together when  he comes back from tour. God I'm going to miss my little snowflake. He brights up my day by just smiling. what a cutie

Yes I call him snowflake,He calls me Princess,I don't care what people say, I think its cute.

We are all sitting down chatting waiting for Louis and his Girlfriend Eleanor to come. He walks in with a Gil that looks like Elizabeth's Older sister,but it can't be,no way it isnt.

They notice us and walks over and Eleanor shouts my name.

Oh My God it's actually her. I look up to El she is beautiful. Such a Role Model. {A/N I do actually look up to El,I think she is beautiful. Louis and her are going to get Married and have babies.}

I just up off my chair and jump into her hands, I try so hard not to cry,I cant believe that She is going out with Louis Tomlison and I'm only finding out now. This is crazy. Why the Hell didn't Elizabeth tell me ? Bitch.

Me,Niall,El and Louis can go on double dates now! woo.

I'm also going to set Harry and Elizabeth up. She likes him,he likes her. They just wont Ammit it. Loser.

Elizabeth is out waiter and she cant keep her eye off Harry, Bless her cotten sock the cutie!

Dinner is over and we are all heading up to my room to watch a movie. Even Elizabeth is coming up because her shift is over.

I've told Niall,El and Louis about my plan and they are in on it. We are going to set them up on a blind date., Haha this will be funny!

We are all sitting on the two beds watching 'The Notebook'. Cutest Movie ever.<3 Noah,WOW!

It's about 12 and everybody is going home, Niall is staying the night. All the boys shouted 'Get Some' 'Get In There'. Dirty Fuckers.

Niall and I are lieing down in total darkness, Although I can see his body.I'm lying on his chest lisening to his heartbeat and to him hum You&I. It's one of my favourite songs off MM.

I fall asleep and the last thing I hear is 'Nothing can come between You&I not even the gods above'. 'Love you Princess.

I honestly dont no what I'd do without him. I love him More then Life its self. He is the best thing that ever happend to me.

Without Niall James Horan in my life. I wouldn't be here. No Joke.


Sorry It's so short. Ive been watching The Vampire Dairies.Stefan  {aka.Paul Wesly<3} JESUS he is HOT!!!!!








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